CARDINAL NEWMAN Welcome You Are Entering Cardinal Newman’s Webpage!
English Is part of the curriculum! Only 4 days a week you get it!
Maths Helps you get a job!
Modern Languages Spanish Hola! You can go abroad and impress your pals! French Salut! Impress your pals!
Physical Education Keeps you fit! If you want to be an athlete then this is where you go! Boys they do FOOTBALL! Girls they do VOLLEYBALL and NETBALL!
I.C.T. Get your fingers at the ready!
Technical Get your saw at the ready, get your hammer at the ready be prepared for Technical!
Science Play with bunsen burners! Look at things you can’t even do and do it be brave for science!
Biology Get all of your gardening tools at the ready and watering cans filled with water! Biology is ready for you if you are ready for it!
Drama To be or not to be? Do drama, join the drama club! Confidence is all you need (and yourself)!
That’s all folks! Sadly that’s all about the subjects! Join Cardinal Newman and you will find it’s even more exciting as can be !