The Power of Chaos Out of Chaos Comes a Dancing Star -- Nietchze
Chaotic Strange Attractors Three-Winged Bird: A Chaotic Strange Attractor Systems in Chaos are simply going through iterations that may look random, but over time reveal inherent order.
The Power of Water: Tao The highest goodness resembles water Water greatly benefits myriad things without contention It stays in places that people dislike Therefore it is similar to the Tao Dwelling with the right location Feeling with great depth Giving with great kindness Speaking with great integrity Governing with great administration Handling with great capability Moving with great timing Because it does not contend It is therefore beyond reproach - Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Verse 8Lao Tzu
Leadership Metaphors: What is Yours?
Barricades “Eventually we agreed that two interrelated patterns characterized fundamental change around the world: increasing liberalization and increasing globalization…We saw that governments would increasingly find it harder to limit what people know and to resist their demand for access to goods and for control over their own destinies.” Reference: Joseph Jaworski in Synchronicity: Yhe Inner Path of Leadership, (1998). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, p. 155.
New Frontiers “I proposed constructing a scenario that would project a vision of the kind of world that we would want our children to live in … Why not develop this scenario … and then use the scenario to help create the future instead of reacting to it? Reference: Joseph Jaworski in Synchronicity: Yhe Inner Path of Leadership, (1998). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, p. 161.
Your Assignment: Your assignment today is to create an ideal “scenario” for education in five and ten year increments. What would you expect ‘ideal’ education to look like in five years? What would you expect ‘ideal’ education to look like in ten years? Be specific about your reasons. Examine today’s realities and trends and project your ideal future based on now exists.
Your Assignment Continues … What specifically can YOU do as an educator to help create the ideal scenario created by your team today?