SECTORS VERY HIGH HIGH MODERATE LOW VERY LOW Priority OffencesSector 1Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4 Murder Attempted Murder Culpable Homocide Robbery Aggravating (Attempts Included) Robbery Aggravating With Other Weapon Common Robbery (Attempts Included) Rape And Attempted Rape Sexual Assault Sexual Offences (Other) TOTAL SEXUAL OFFENCES Assault GBH Common Assault Hijacking Motor Vehicle (Attempts Included) Truck Hijacking (Attempts Included) Residential Robberies (Attempts Included) Business Robberies (Attempts Included) Burglary Business (Attempts Included) Burglary Residential (Attempts Included) Theft of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (Attempts Included) Theft out of or from Motor Vehicles (Attempts Included) Malicious Damage to Property TOTAL
DAY OF THE WEEK Days of the week per offence MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Murder Attempted Murder Culpable Homocide Robbery Aggravating (Attempts Included) Robbery Aggravating With Other Weapon Common Robbery (Attempts Included) Rape And Attempted Rape Sexual Assault Sexual Offences (Other) TOTAL SEXUAL OFFENCES Assault GBH Common Assault Hijacking Motor Vehicle (Attempts Included) Truck Hijacking (Attempts Included) Residential Robberies (Attempts Included) Business Robberies (Attempts Included) Burglary Business (Attempts Included) Burglary Residential (Attempts Included) Theft of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (Attempts Included) Theft out of or from Motor Vehicles (Attempts Included) Malicious Damage to Property TOTAL
TIME OF THE DAY Priority Offences 00 and 0404 and 0808 and 1212 and 1616 and 2020 and 00 Murder Attempted Murder Culpable Homocide Robbery Aggravating (Attempts Included) Robbery Aggravating With Other Weapon Common Robbery (Attempts Included) Rape And Attempted Rape Sexual Assault Sexual Offences (Other) TOTAL SEXUAL OFFENCES Assault GBH Common Assault Hijacking Motor Vehicle (Attempts Included) Truck Hijacking (Attempts Included) Residential Robberies (Attempts Included) Business Robberies (Attempts Included) Burglary Business (Attempts Included) Burglary Residential (Attempts Included) Theft of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (Attempts Included) Theft out of or from Motor Vehicles (Attempts Included) Malicious Damage to Property TOTAL
SUBURBS OffenceSuburbTotal MurderZandspruit 191-Iq Little Falls Cosmo City Itsoseng Attempted MurderCosmo City Boskruin Zandspruit 191-Iq RapeCosmo City Zandspruit Assault With The Purpose To Inflict Grievous Bodily HarmCosmo City Zandspruit Common AssaultCosmo City Zandspruit 191-Iq Honeydew Ruimsig
SUBURBS House RobberyCosmo City Zandspruit Wilgeheuwel Business RobberyCosmo City Zandspruit 191-Iq CarjackingCosmo City Allen'S Nek Common RobberyCosmo City North Riding Zandspruit 191-Iq Robbery With A Weapon Or Instrument Other Than A FirearmCosmo City Weltevredenpark Robbery With FirearmCosmo City Weltevredenpark Randparkrif
SUBURBS Burglary At Business PremisesWeltevredenpark Laser Park Cosmo City Burglary At Residential PremisesCosmo City Weltevredenpark Randparkrif Theft Of Motor Vehicle And Motor CycleCosmo City Randparkrif Weltevredenpark Theft Out Of A Motor Vehicle (Also Goods From The Back Ofldv)Weltevredenpark Cosmo City Randparkrif North Riding Ruimsig
TYPE OF VEHICLES ROBBED/STOLEN OffenceVehicles MakeVehicles TypeTotal CarjackingAudiSedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe BmwSedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe HondaMotorfiets HyundaiSedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe Stasiewa (Rangerover Tipe Insl) ToyotaPaneelwa Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe VolkswagenPaneelwa Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe Theft Of Motor Vehicle And Motor CycleAudiSedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe DucatiMotorfiets HyundaiBakkie < 2.5t + D/Kajuit +Jeep Tipe Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe KiaBakkie < 2.5t + D/Kajuit +Jeep Tipe MazdaBakkie Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe MitshibushiBakkie NissanBakkie Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe SuzukiMotorfiets ToyotaBakkie Minibus =< 16 Paneelwa Sedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe Stasiewa VolkswagenSedan/ Hatchback/ Coupe