Psalms and the New Testament 283 Old Testament quotations in the New Testament. Of these 116 are from the Psalms.
Luke 24:44- …”that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. “ Thus it is written that the Messiah is to: –Suffering –Resurrection –Repentance and forgiveness of sins to be proclaimed in his name to all nations.
Messianic Psalms Psalms : 2, 8, 16, 22, 45, 69, 110 Have the word anointed in them- referring to the Messiah. Quoted in the New Testament by the New Testament writers as referring to Jesus. Psalm 2, 16, 22,69, 110 quoted most frequently in the New Testament. Psalm 110-directly quoted 12x. Or 25x either quoted or referred to ( According to the Concordance)
Messianic Psalms These Psalms establish that Jesus is the one who fulfills ( eternally) the office of : –Priest –King
Messianic Psalms Jesus as the eternal king Jesus the one who will sit on David’s throne forever. 2 Samuel 7: The promise of a dynasty to King David fulfilled in Jesus, the true son of David who reigns forever. Luke 1:32,33 see the same idea in Psalm 89: Royal Psalms ultimately fulfilled in Jesus.
Messianic Psalms Christ’s eternal Priesthood Psalms that speak of the Messiah as a Priest. Psalm 110:4 used in Hebrews 5:6 and 7:17 and 21to refer to Jesus’ eternal priesthood.
Messianic Psalms To establish the identity of Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God: Acts 4:11 and Psalm 118:22. To establish his divine sonship: Psalm 2:7 quoted in Acts 13:33,Hebrews 1:5 and 5:5( due to the resurrection) To show the exaltation of Christ: Psalm110 quoted in Acts 2: 34,35. Christ’s resurrection: Psalm 16 quoted in Acts 2:27 and 13:35.
Jesus in the Psalms More general Idea: –Jesus is anticipated in the Psalms because he is God. Therefore all expressions of Praise to God are also offered to Jesus ( God) the object of our Praise. –Hymns ( sung to glorify Him) –Laments (speak of his humiliation)
Other uses of Psalms in the New Testament General Use: -To illustrate a truth: Romans 3:10ff a quote of Psalm 14:1-3 and Romans 3:13 a quote of Psalm 5:9 Psalm 24:1 and I Corinthians 10:26 Parallel situation: Psalm 34 and I Peter 3:9-12
Final Thoughts As we go into our time of celebration and expression let’s remember that this is to glorify the Lord. – let’s not clap but let’s repeat a phrase that expresses our thanksgiving to God; 1.The Lord is Great ( right side of classroom) 2.And Greatly to be Praised.( left side)
Final Thoughts Remember the purpose of the Psalms. Psalms help us to express ourselves. Psalms help us to reflect and meditate. We must be intentional in implementing this into our lives. This is done when we slow down the pace. Let’s live like God exists.