Morality Chapter 3
Capital sins : the principal sinful tendencies of humans subject to the effects of original sin They are pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust. Cardinal virtues : the source of all good habits They are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance Gifts of the Holy Spirit : Received at Baptism, these gifts help us to be receptive to God’s grace working in our lives They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
Mortal sin : personal sin that totally rejects God and alienates one from him, causing a loss of love and sanctifying grace; it involves grave matter, full knowledge, and complete consent Theological virtues : Bestowed at Baptism, these virtues have their origin and goal in God by relating us to the Holy Trinity They are faith, hope, and charity (love) Venial sin : personal sin that weakens but does not kill our relationship with God Vice : a bad habit that inclines us to do evil and avoid good Virtue : a good habit that enables us to do good
Virtues are gifts from God that lead us to live in a close relationship with him. Virtues are like habits. They need to be practiced; they can be lost if they are neglected.
Faith - a gift of God that helps us to believe in him. It is a personal adherence of the whole person to God, who has revealed himself to us through words and actions throughout history. The power to trust God completely and to accept as true all that God has revealed and teaches through the Catholic Church.
Hope - the confidence that God will always be with us, make us happy now and forever, and help us to live so that we will be with him forever. The power to trust that God will give us eternal life and all the help necessary along the way Charity - a virtue given to us by God that helps us love him above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. The power that enables us to love God.
Prudence - the power that directs us toward good and helps us to choose the correct means to achieve that good. The power to decide what is good and choose accordingly. Justice - The power to respect the rights of others and give them their due.
Fortitude - the strength to choose to do the right thing even when that is difficult. The power that gives us courage to do what is right even when it is very difficult. Temperance - the power that helps us to control our attraction to pleasure so that our natural desires are kept within proper limits.
Faith – confident belief in, trust, loyalty Opposing vice: DOUBT, DISTRUST Hope - optimism, confident/trusting Opposing vice: DESPAIR Charity – benevolence, mercy, compassion, kindness, generosity, love Opposing vice: MERCILESS, BELLIGERENCE
Pride Greed Lust Anger Gluttony Envy Sloth