Baby Steps Towards Critical Thinking September 14, 2009 Dr. Kathy K. Stein
What Is Critical Thinking?
Critical Thinking “The art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it.” – The Foundation for Critical Thinking
Metacognition “Knowledge about own thinking: knowledge of your own thoughts and the factors that influence your own thinking” - MSN Encarta Dictionary
Foundation for Critical Thinking Theoretical Framework Three Levels of Thought Three Levels of Thought The Elements of Thought The Elements of Thought Universal Intellectual Standards Universal Intellectual Standards Intellectual Traits/Virtues Intellectual Traits/Virtues
Three Levels of Thought Level 1: Lower Order Thinking Level 1: Lower Order Thinking Level 2: Higher Order Thinking Level 2: Higher Order Thinking Level 3: Highest Order Thinking Level 3: Highest Order Thinking
The Elements of Thought Purpose (Goals, Objectives) Purpose (Goals, Objectives) Question at Issue (Problem, Issue) Question at Issue (Problem, Issue) Information (Data, Facts, Observations, Experiences) Information (Data, Facts, Observations, Experiences) Interpretation and Inference (Conclusions and Solutions) Interpretation and Inference (Conclusions and Solutions)
The Elements of Thought (Cont’d) Concepts (Theories, Definitions, Laws, Principles, Models) Concepts (Theories, Definitions, Laws, Principles, Models) Assumptions (Presuppositions, Axioms, Taking for Granted) Assumptions (Presuppositions, Axioms, Taking for Granted) Implications and Consequences Implications and Consequences Point of View Point of View
Reader Response Questions (Subjective) 1. What are your feelings after reading this piece of writing? 1. What are your feelings after reading this piece of writing? 2. Did this piece of writing make you laugh, cry, cringe, smile, cheer, explode? Explain. 2. Did this piece of writing make you laugh, cry, cringe, smile, cheer, explode? Explain. 3. What connections do you see between this piece of writing and your own life (and/or society)? 3. What connections do you see between this piece of writing and your own life (and/or society)? 4. What is the best part of this piece of writing? Explain. What is the worst part of this piece of 4. What is the best part of this piece of writing? Explain. What is the worst part of this piece of writing? Explain. writing? Explain. 5. What was the author trying to say about life and living in this piece of writing? Explain. 5. What was the author trying to say about life and living in this piece of writing? Explain. 6. Do the characters remind you of friend, family members, or class mates? How? 6. Do the characters remind you of friend, family members, or class mates? How? 7. In what ways are you like or different from any of the character in this piece of writing? 7. In what ways are you like or different from any of the character in this piece of writing? Explain. Explain. 8. If you had a conversation with one of the characters in this piece of writing, what would you 8. If you had a conversation with one of the characters in this piece of writing, what would you say? Why? say? Why? 9. What information in this piece of writing makes you stop and think? What confuses you? 9. What information in this piece of writing makes you stop and think? What confuses you? 10. Quote a line from this piece of writing that you think exemplifies good writing and explain 10. Quote a line from this piece of writing that you think exemplifies good writing and explain why you think it is good? why you think it is good? 11. What kinds of subjects/topics does this piece of writing make you think about? In other 11. What kinds of subjects/topics does this piece of writing make you think about? In other words, if you had to write an essay about this piece of writing, what would be some of the words, if you had to write an essay about this piece of writing, what would be some of the essay ideas (themes) that come to mind? essay ideas (themes) that come to mind? 12. Do you love/hate/can’t stop reading this piece of writing? Why? 12. Do you love/hate/can’t stop reading this piece of writing? Why? 13. What makes it an effective or ineffective piece of writing? Why? 13. What makes it an effective or ineffective piece of writing? Why? Source: Ms. Julie Vega/Sul Ross State University Source: Ms. Julie Vega/Sul Ross State University
Critical Thinking Reader Response (Objective) 1. What is the point of view of this piece of writing? [1st person (I), 2nd 1. What is the point of view of this piece of writing? [1st person (I), 2nd person (you), 3rd person (he, she, it). Who is the speaker/narrator? person (you), 3rd person (he, she, it). Who is the speaker/narrator? What is your point of view as the reader? What is your point of view as the reader? 2. What is the purpose of this piece of writing? 2. What is the purpose of this piece of writing? 3. What is the problem/issue under discussion in this piece of writing? 3. What is the problem/issue under discussion in this piece of writing? 4. What information (data, facts, observations, experiences) is shared in 4. What information (data, facts, observations, experiences) is shared in the piece of writing? the piece of writing? 5. What interpretation and inference (conclusions and/or solutions) did 5. What interpretation and inference (conclusions and/or solutions) did you come to after reading this piece of writing? you come to after reading this piece of writing? 6. What concepts (theories, definitions, laws, principles, models) were 6. What concepts (theories, definitions, laws, principles, models) were revealed to you after reading this piece of writing? revealed to you after reading this piece of writing? 7. What assumptions (presuppositions, axioms, taking for granted) did 7. What assumptions (presuppositions, axioms, taking for granted) did you make as you were reading the piece of writing? you make as you were reading the piece of writing? 8. What are the implications and consequences of your reasoning as 8. What are the implications and consequences of your reasoning as you analyze this piece of writing? you analyze this piece of writing? Elements of Thought: The Foundation for Critical Thinking Elements of Thought: The Foundation for Critical Thinking
Universal Intellectual Standards ClarityAccuracyPrecisionRelevanceDepthBreadthLogicSignificanceFairness
Intellectual Traits/Virtues Intellectual Humility Intellectual Humility Intellectual Autonomy Intellectual Autonomy Intellectual Integrity Intellectual Integrity Intellectual Courage Intellectual Courage Intellectual Perseverance Intellectual Perseverance Confidence in Reason Confidence in Reason Intellectual Empathy Intellectual Empathy Fairmindedness Fairmindedness
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