A woman who is hard of hearing comes to the information hub and requests some help. You are having some difficulty in communicating with her. What do you do?
Lauren is visually impaired and is working on the viewing platform. She is partially sighted and has some useful sight in daylight but her sight decreases at night time. What provision might you put in place to the physical environment where Lauren will be working? What else might be useful to Lauren to be able to carry out the role?
Paul has learning disabilities and is joining your steward team this year. He has no previous experience and is finding the steward’s handbook difficult to follow. What are the issues that you might need to be aware of to make sure Paul understands his role? What steps can you take to make sure Paul can carry out his role effectively?
You observe a wheelchair user who you think is struggling through the crowd. You want to offer some assistance but you are unsure of what to do. How would you approach them?
Sarah applies to be part of your Fire Support Team. She is enthusiastic and displays the right attitude for the post. Sarah has a mobility impairment. What do you need to take into account when considering Sarah for this position? What options are open to you in terms of making reasonable adjustments?
A customer contacts your box office to let you know his circumstances have changed. When he bought his tickets he used crutches to get about, but in the last few weeks he has had a relapse and now he needs a wheelchair. He is coming with six friends. The gig is sold out and the viewing platform/area is booked out. What are your options?
A person approaches and asks you to help them find the performance area. They do not appear to be Deaf or disabled but they are apprehensive and unsettled. You are concerned about leaving your post to assist this person. What do you do?
What are the issues that disabled people might face if there is a long queue or if the entrances and exits are crowded?
A woman who is hard of hearing comes to the information area and requests some help. You are having some difficulty in communicating with her. What do you do?
How can you make these viewings platform considerably better?
What is wrong with these access routes?
What kind of access facilities will Deaf and disabled people need on a small green area with multiple “pitches” i.e. things for the public to see and do?