Leon County School District Parental Involvement Pam Hightower, Ph.D. Title I Director Brenetta Lawrence Project Manager 1
Title I Parental Involvement Overview The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires schools to involve parents of public and private school students in school programs and in the education of their children. Parents should provide input and or be active participants in the development of: Advisory councils and committees (DAC, SAC, PTO, PTA and other decision making committees) Parental Involvement Plans– school and district level Title I, Part A Plans - schools and district level. School-Parent Compact/Contract Parental Workshops/Trainings In addition parents should: Attend the Annual Title I Meeting Be informed of their rights via Title I- Parents Right to Know Letter, Four Week Notice Letter and school board policies and procedures. Be informed of the school and district performance through the SPAR letter. 2
What is Parental Involvement It includes several different forms of participation in education and with the schools. Parents can support their children by attending school functions and responding to school obligations, i.e. parent-teacher conferences. Parents can become more involved in helping their children improve their schoolwork by providing encouragement, arranging for appropriate study time and space, modeling desired behavior (such as reading for pleasure), monitoring homework, and actively tutoring their children at home. Parents can serve as advocates for the school. They can volunteer to help out with school activities or work in the classroom. Or they can take an active role in the governance and decision making necessary for planning, developing, and providing an education for their children. 3
Leon County Title I Program Adopted the Joyce Epstein’s Six Types of Involvement as the District’s Parental Involvement Model 1.Parenting - Help all families establish home environments to support children as students. 2.Communicating – Design effective forms of school-to-home communications about school programs and children’s progress. 3.Volunteering – Recruit and organize parent help and support. 4.Learning at Home – Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum related activities, decisions, and planning. 5.Decision Making – Include parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives. 6.Collaborating with Community – Identify and integrate resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development. 4
TITLE I, PART A 95% OF THE 1% - PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ALLOCATION WORKSHEET PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 1% $79, School Allocations Per Student: ($ per student) Number of Students Total Alloc. *75.01 % and above - must be served by Title I Bond Elementary (1181)631 $ 4, Sabal Palm (0071)505 $ 3, Riley (0231)568 $ 3, Pineview (0311)334 $ 2, Oak Ridge (0171)463 $ 3, Nims Middle 6-8 (0291)425 $ 2, Griffin Middle 6-8 (0222)499 $ 3, Success Academy 6-12 (1211)276 $ 1, Ruediger (0091)447 $ 3, Woodville (0131)496 $ 3, Apalachee (0441)578 $ 3, Astoria Park (0401)549 $ 3, Hartsfield (0041)390 $ 2, Tallahassee School of Math and Science K-8 (1425)241 $ 1, Ft. Braden K-8 (0561)768 $ 5, Springwood (0501)620 $ 4, Godby High 9-12 (0161)1,091 $ 7, Woodville Middle School for Leadership through History and Civics 6-8 ( 1442) 0 $ - Rickards High 9-12 (0051)1,059 $ 7, Fairview Middle (0451)626 $ 4, Imagine (1421)217 $ 1, Sealey Elementary K-5 (0431)419 $ 2, Total (95% 0F THE 1%) 11,202 $ 75,
6 Resources: Epstein, Joyce, Lucretia Coates, Karen Clark Salinas, Mavis G. Sanders and Beth S. Simon School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press, Inc. ISBN: