County Road 19(Manning Road) & County Road 22 Improvements Environmental Study/ Preliminary Design Report November 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

County Road 19(Manning Road) & County Road 22 Improvements Environmental Study/ Preliminary Design Report November 2008

2 Project Study Area

3 Environmental Assessment Requirements Proposed improvements to CR 19 and 22 are classified as a Schedule “C” project by the Municipal Class EA: –Widening where the reconstructed road… will NOT be for the same purpose, use, capacity and the same location as the facility being reconstructed This type of project is subject to the full Class EA process and requires the completion of an Environmental Study Report (ESR). Also subject to: –MTO’s Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities for a Group “B” (major) project (Highway 401 interchange) –Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (triggered by funding and Federal approvals)


5 Major EA & Preliminary Design Components Transportation Needs Assessment (EWRTMP Transportation Master Plan) identified operational, geometric and capacity deficiencies in both corridors Analysis of environmental conditions potentially affected by improvements – cultural, natural and socio-economic environment Identification and evaluation of alternatives, including: –“Alternatives to” and alternative solutions: “do nothing”, reduce transportation demand, change land use planning/urban design principles, localized intersection improvements, new/improved Provincial/Municipal transportation facilities –improvements to CR 19 and 22 chosen as preferred transportation solution –solution developed to functional design level of detail and presented at May 2007 PIC 1 –Preliminary Design alternatives and recommended design presented at November 2007 PIC 2 –changes to recommended design of CR 22/Lesperance Road intersection and drainage modifications presented at July 2008 PIC 3 Extensive Public and Agency Consultation program, including three PIC’s, recorded attendance of more than 400 agencies, residents, property and business owners

6 Road and Interchange Concepts Concepts reflect site specific conditions of project area: –Alternatives included: widen from centreline (use existing ROW to minimize impacts); widen to right or left; or combination –Provincial Highway to regional roadway connections at Highway 3 and at Highway 401 –High traffic volumes on CR 19 and CR 22 –Developing urban area north of CR 42 –Need to provide access to existing/future commercial development –ROW constrained by existing development and municipal drains

7 Preliminary Design Alternatives Preliminary Design alternatives developed for CR 19 and CR 22 improvements based on: –Current MTO standards as defined in the Geometric Design Standards of Ontario Highways (GDSOH) –Transportation Association of Canada Geometric Design Guides for Canadian Roads (TAC) –Rural arterial roadway standards from Highway 3 to CR 42; urban arterial standards, north of CR 42 –Transportation needs as identified in the Transportation Needs Assessment prepared for this project –Environmental constraints –Public and agency input Factors used to evaluate the alternatives reflect the “full scope of the environment” and include: –Traffic operations and safety –Technical engineering considerations –Impacts on the cultural, natural and socio-economic environment –Existing and future land uses –Costs

8 Evaluation Criteria for Alternatives Safety/Design –Highway/road safety, including ability to deal with access/traffic conflicts, weaving/merging conflicts –Traffic impacts, including impacts during construction –Ability to accommodate alternative modes (bicycles, pedestrians) –Changes in residential/business access Traffic Operations –Meet current and future traffic needs –Movements at major intersections (CR 19/22, CR 22/Lesperance) Environmental Impacts –Significant impacts that cannot be mitigated –St. Anne’s Cemetery –Built Heritage Cultural Landscapes Drainage Impacts –Impacts on urban and rural drainage systems Existing and Future Land Uses –Existing residential uses and neighbourhoods –Traffic impacts on residential neighbourhoods –Existing commercial uses –Future land uses – lands designated “General Commercial” and “Business Park” –Existing light industrial uses –“Collector” Road Function of Lesperance Road –Long Term Land Use Planning Impacts Construction Cost Provincial, County and Local Municipal Policies –Compatible with policies, Official Plans

9 Recommended Improvements 4-lane rural cross section on CR 19 from Highway 3 to south of CR 42 4-lane urban cross section on CR 19 from south of CR 42 to VIA Rail crossing 6-lane controlled access highway on CR 22 2-lane Roundabout at CR 19 and CR 34 New underpass and ramp reconstruction at Highway 401 Pike Creek Bridge widening to 4 lanes Grade-separation of CPR crossing on CR 19 Single Point Urban Interchange at CR 19/CR 22 Partial interchange (half diamond/button hook) at CR 22 and Lesperance Road with improved road connections to Sylvestre Drive and Westlake Drive

10 Roundabout at CR 19 and CR 34

11 Highway 401 Underpass at CR 19

12 Grade Separation at CPR Crossing

13 Single Point Urban Interchange at CR 19/22

14 Half Diamond/Button Hook Interchange at CR22/Lesperance

15 Environmental Study/ Preliminary Design Report (ESR/PDR) ESR/PDR has been prepared for MTO, County, Tecumseh and Lakeshore review Following County presentation, presentations will be made to Lakeshore and Tecumseh Councils (November 12, 2008) ESR/PDR will be finalized and placed on “public record” for public and agency review (November 18, 2008 to January 5, 2009) Notice of Completion, placed in local newspapers and mailed to residents/businesses, will advertise availability of ESR/PDR for review Assuming that concerns raised during the review period can be resolved, the project will be considered to have met the requirements of the Class EA and Detailed Design can be scheduled subject to available funding Copies of the ESR/PDR will be available for review and will be posted on the County of Essex website

16 Project Cost and Next Steps Based on preliminary estimates, the capital construction cost is anticipated to range from $180 to $200 million (2008 dollars) Construction is subject to funding, approvals and property acquisitions Construction phasing will generally be completed from north to south and coordinated with other area projects

17 Construction Phasing Phase 1 ( 2 Years) Phase 2 ( 1 Year ) Phase 3 (1.5 Years) Phase 4 (2 Years) Phase 5 (1 Year)