YARD STICK This measuring tool is usually used to measure lengths up to 1 yard (3 feet).
Measuring Tape This measuring tool is used to measure objects in 3D (like wrists, head, legs, around the waist, etc.).
RULER This measuring tool is used to measure lengths up to 12 inches (1 foot) or in our case, 18 inches.
Sewing Gauge This measuring tool is used to measure small measurements (up to 6 inches) on seams or around edges.
Magnetic Pin Cushion This piece of equipment is used to hold pins, and it really comes in handy if you need to pick up a container’s worth of pins that have fallen on the floor.
Pin Cushion and Emery Bag This sewing tool is used to hold pins while sewing. It also has a small bag that looks like a strawberry that is used to sharpen pins and needles.
Needle Threader This sewing tool is used to help you thread a needle more easily.
Sharps Needle This type of needle has a smaller eye and is thinner. This is the type of needle that you will use to finish your pillow.
Crewel Needle This type of needle has a larger eye and is thicker. It is typically used for things like counted cross stitch and embroidery.
Ball Point Pins This type of pin has a flat head. It is typically used by dress maker and designers that may have to leave the pins in the fabric.
Ball Headed Pins This type of pin typically has a ball (that is usually plain or colored) on the top. This is the one that we will be most used in class because it is so easy to see and work with.
Marking Pencil This sewing tool is used to mark fabric for easier cutting.
Thimble This sewing tool is used to protect fingers from getting poked while sewing.
(Spool of) Thread This sewing tool is used to hold together two pieces of fabric. It usually comes in a variety of different colors.
Bobbin This sewing tool is used to hold the thread that comes up from the bottom of the sewing machine.
Bent Handled Dressmaker’s Shears This cutting tool has a straight blade and is used to cut fabric for different things like making pillows and dresses.
Pinking Shears This cutting tool has a rigid blade (that looks like teeth) and is used to cut the edges of seams or fabric to prevent them from unraveling.
Sewing Scissors This cutting tool is used to cut smaller things in sewing projects like notches in fabric or trim threads.
Seam Ripper This sewing tool is typically used to rip out stitches or correct other problems that may occur when sewing.
Right Side This side of the fabric is the bright side. It is the side that you want to show when making a dress or pillow.
Wrong Side This side of the fabric is the duller side of the fabric. It is the side that you don’t want to show on a sewing project.
One- Directional Pattern This kind of pattern only has one correct way of holding it.
Multi- Directional Pattern This sewing tool is used to mark fabric for easier cutting.