Silver Lake PTA Oct 12, 2016 Family Engagement and School Data
Family Engagement Parent Involvement Plan We are committed to working together to provide the best education for your child. A partnership must exist between our parents, students, and our school where your input is both encouraged and needed to make this happen successfully. The entire school staff, parents, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement.
Family Engagement ~ Decision Making Parents will be involved in the annual planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Parent Involvement Plan through meetings, newsletter and / or . Parents will be invited to participate in one or more surveys focused on gathering feedback on school climate, safety, instruction, and school experiences. The survey(s) will be offered online and /or via paper. Information provided will be used for decision making and planning. Title I Funds may be used to pay for reasonable and necessary parent involvement activities, as determined by the Title I Planning Team that consists of administration, parents, and staff.
Family Engagement ~ Meetings/Conferences Open Houses and Meet the Teacher Nights Title I meetings - when possible in conjunction with other events Parents’ right to be involved in the education of their child Silver Lake School-Parent-Student Compact Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences twice a year. Parents will be welcomed to request additional conferences when they have questions about their child’s performance and/or academic procedures.
Family Engagement ~ Communication Parents will be invited to Curriculum Nights, PTA Meetings and School-Wide Events, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Open House, Celebrations, and Meet Your Teacher Night through invitations, automated phone messages and s, and the school website. School staff will be required to communicate with parents frequently. At least one “good news” phone call will be made each marking period for each student.
Family Engagement ~ Communication School staff will request parent involvement at various activities and meetings (including Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences) during the day and/or in the evenings. Parents will be welcomed to teachers, call, or visit the school if they have questions. Parent/Student Climate Surveys will be provided yearly from the Appoquinimink School District. Information regarding the survey feedback will be shared with parents in October, 2016 via the Family Newsletter and on the SLE website. There may also be surveys from Leader in Me organization to determine progress and sustainability.
Family Engagement ~ Volunteerism/ Academic Support Parents will be invited to join and participate in daily and/or special school activities. An open door policy will exist for all parents. Participation in the educational process will be strongly encouraged by all Silver Lake staff. Curriculum Nights and Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences, as well as when requested, school staff will share instructional activities/materials that provide families with information and resources to use at home to increase student achievement. Summer assistance will be provided to students for the District Summer Reading work as well as summer math work
Family Activities WISE Women - District event - Oct 6:30 Real Men Read - District events - Mar 6:30 Concerts/ Musical - winter and spring - Dec 19, Jan 26, May 11, May 22 Education Showcase - Dec 20 activities TBA Leader in Men - Oct 31 - Nov 3 (dinner on Nov 2) Student Led Conferences - Nov ; Mar Marking Period Celebrations -- to be scheduled One School One Book - month event with culminating family event on Mar 16 Leadership Day - April 6 Paint Night with Moms - April 27 (tentative) Community Outreach - 1 held; others to be scheduled PTA events
What are some other means of engaging families in our students’ education and school experience? Please send us your ideas!!!
SLE Assessment Data (class of 2027 is present 2nd grade)
Smarter Balanced