European Strategy for Particle Physics 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.1 Short version, see also slides of nov. 2
Mandate & timetable At appropriate intervals, at most every 5 years, the European Strategy Session of Council will re-enact the process aimed at updating the medium and long-term European Strategy for Particle Physics, by setting up a Working Group, the European Strategy Group (ESG). 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.2 Pre-town meetings: summer 2012 General Town Meeting in Krakow: September 10-12, 2012 Briefing book will be the scientific input for the Strategy Group for the drafting of the Strategy. Strategy drafting session by the Strategy Group in January in ERICE, Sicily. Draft strategy submitted to the CERN Council for the March 2013 session for discussion. Formal adoption of the strategy in a special Council session in Brussels in May 2013 (coincides with EU council of ministers competitiveness meeting). Outreach event 1 week later? The product : 1) Strategy statement, 2) deliberation document, 3) flashy brochure
Krakow Town meeting September: 2.5 days of session; Close to 500 participants Plenary speakers summarising the current status and future options, with discussion sessions – High energy frontier – Flavour and symmetries – Strong interactions – Astroparticle physics – Neutrino – Theoretical physics – Accelerator science – Instrumentation, computing, and infrastructure 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.3
The main HE options on the Global scene: CERN (pp + HI physics) : -High Intensity LHC (HI-LHC): will happen & detectors will be significantly upgraded The HiLHC has a time horizon until at least 2030 (ATLAS+CMS= 2026) -High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) is a possible option, but requires significant R&D and possibly a new 80 km ring -CLIC ( e+e- collider up to √s =3 TeV) ? A long term perspective -LHeC: ( GeV) e + p (7 TeV) after ALICE program is over ( >2026). CERN (neutrino physics): CERN SPS long baseline neutrino beam to Finland with a massive liquid Ar detector for the mass hierarchy and mixing parameter measurements CERN SPS short baseline neutrino beam for search for sterile neutrinos( 4th gen.), with existing detector moving from GSNL to CERN Neutrino factory for ultimate precision measurements of the mixing parameters for a longer term future. Japan (China+ Korea): HIGGS factory around √s =2* m H : ILC (√s =250 Gev GeV). Could be ready Hyper Kamiokande water Cherenkov (or liquid-Ar in Okinoshima) detector for JPARC neutrino beam (construction start ~2018) SuperKEKB construction is in progress. USA: Cosmology-astroparticle programme and long baseline neutrino programme, followed by physics with multi-MW proton driver. EIC (electron-ion-collider) at RHIC or CEBAF. 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.4
Preliminary conclusions: Japan may build the ILC soon (decision < 2015) CERN has to decide what to do: upgrade the LHC and/or build the LHeC or go for CLIC High intensity proton drivers of significant interest for particle, nuclear, astroparticle/ neutrino and energy physics. R&D for high-Tc magnets important. The Higgs has been discovered but no signs of BSM physics yet. Too early to make a decision on a major new strategy. If Japan builds the ILC it will influence CERN’s future significantly. Even though the HIGGS boson has been found, I suspect very concrete strategy plans will have to wait another 5 years 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.5
Composition The European Strategy Group (ESG) Members Member States AustriaProf. A.H. Hoang BelgiumProf. W. Van Doninck BulgariaProf. L. Litov Czech RepublicProf. J. Chyla DenmarkProf. J.J. Gaardhøje FinlandProf. P. Eerola FranceProf. E. Augé GermanyProf. S. Bethke GreeceProf. P. Rapidis HungaryProf. P. Levai ItalyProf. F. Ferroni NetherlandsProf. S. De Jong NorwayProf. A. Read PolandProf. A. Zalewska PortugalProf. G. Barreira SlovakiaDr L. Sandor SpainProf. F. del Aguila SwedenProf. B. Asman SwitzerlandProf. K. Kirch U.K.Prof. J. Butterworth CERN Director GeneralProf. R. Heuer Major European National Laboratories CIEMATC. Lopez DESYJ. Mnich IRFUPh. Chomaz LALA. Stocchi NIKHEFF. Linde LNFU. Dosselli LNGSL. Votano PSIL. Rivkin STFC-RAL J. Womersley Invitees Candidate for Accession RomaniaDr S. Dita Associate Member in the pre-stage of Membership IsraelProf. E. Rabinovici Observer States IndiaProf. T. Aziz JapanProf. Sh. Asai Russian Fed.Prof. A. Bondar TurkeyProf. Dr M. Zeyrek United StatesProf. M. Shochet EUDr R. Lecbychová ApPECDr S. Katsanevas Chair FALCProf. Y. Osaka Chair ESFRI Dr B. Vierkorn-Rudolph Chair NuPECCProf. A. Bracco JINR, DubnaProf. V. Matveev Scientific AssistantProf. E. Tsesmelis Strategy Secretariat Members Scientific Secretary (Chair)Prof. T. Nakada SPC ChairProf. F. Zwirner ECFA ChairDr M. Krammer Reps. EU Lab. Dir Mtg Dr. Ph. Chomaz The European Strategy Preparatory Group (ESPG) Members Strategy Secretariat Members Prof. T. NakadaScientific Secretary (Chair) Prof. F. ZwirnerSPC Chair Dr M. KrammerECFA Chair Dr Ph. ChomazRepres. EU Lab. Directors SPC Prof. R. Aleksan (FR) Prof. P. Braun-Munzinger (DE) Prof. M. Diemoz (IT) Prof. D. Wark (UK) ECFA Prof. K. Desch (DE) Prof. K. Huitu (FI) Prof. A. P. Zarnecki (PL) Prof. C. De Clercq (BE) CERN Dr P. Jenni ASIA/AMERICAS Prof. Y. Kuno (Asia) Prof. P. McBride (Americas) Prof. E. TsesmelisScientific Assistant 11/2/12JJG, Europ. Strat. Forum.6