| 1 EBSCO Product & Strategy update 35th ADLUG ANNUAL MEETING – PORTUGALETE 21 – 23 Sept 2016 Olga Alarcón Regional Sales Manager
| 4 RELATED BACKGROUND EBSCO is a philanthropic family-owned company, providing major donations to libraries, universities, cultural institutions and charities
| 5 RELATED BACKGROUND This goes far beyond the indexing of open access journals by other organizations Other than Google, EBSCO is the top provider (origination site) of traffic to many open access journal websites EBSCO provides high quality indexing for more than 11,000 open access journals
| 6 RELATED BACKGROUND EBSCO’s full-text database model has dramatically increased access to journal literature worldwide in a cost effective way More than fifty developing nations have national licenses to EBSCO full- text database packages, which has helped bridge the digital divide And… EBSCO supports open source ILS in libraries
| 7 KOHA & EBSCO Strategic upgrade of Koha’s core indexing to ElasticSearch Increased flexibility and accuracy of facets MARC to RDF crosswalk to allow for extended linking Improved system speed EBSCO is funding enhancements to Koha
| 8 KOHA & EBSCO EBSCO is also building its systems to interoperate with Koha Example: Koha OPAC functionality into EDS EBSCO WILL CONTINUE TO INVEST IN KOHA ENHANCEMENTS
| 9 Announcing a new COLLABORATION between OLE libraries, other libraries, Index Data & EBSCO FOLIO: The Future of Libraries is Open
| 10 EBSCO is helping to fund the creation of a multi-tenant library services platform (LSP) It is not and EBSCO product, it is a community product Vendors and libraries come together to reimagine library technology The library decides how to use it, what to add/not add… You do not need to be an EBSCO customer to benefit from FOLIO Unprecedented Initiative / Collaboration FOLIO: The Future of Libraries is Open
| 11 OLE Partners: Worldwide Collaboration OLE −Focused on community organizing −Driven to re-envision ILS processes and workflows −Technical and strategic
| 12 International Partnerships Index Data −Based in Copenhagen, Denmark −Software development and services organization −Experience in open source software & community development
| 13 International Partnerships TIND / CERN −TIND is headquartered in Trondheim, Norway −Development offices at CERN near Geneva, as well as in Paris
| 14 Modular and extensible A new architecture of open source or commercial apps that are picked from a marketplace
| 15 The library chooses API driven deconstructed microservices architecture
| 16 HOSTING BY LIBRARIES As a true open source project, any library may load and operate the code locally without the requirement of proprietary components This would be completely free for the library, except for the expenses of the staff involved and hosting equipment Given the complexity of a multi-tenant solution, we anticipate that only very large libraries (or consortia) with sophisticated technical resources will deploy this approach Bottom line: THE SOFTWARE WILL BE FREE
| 17 Most libraries do not have the technical staff or equipment to implement / host on their own, and EBSCO has a solution for all those libraries…
| 18 Global Infrastructure Will Be Available for Hosting D iscrete data centers Redundant power, networking and connectivity
| 19 Hosting Availability in the Americas North America Northern California Northern Virginia Ohio Oregon Quebec South America Brazil
| 20 Hosting Availability in Europe Europe Germany Ireland United Kingdom
| 21 Hosting Availability in Asia & Oceania Asia Japan South Korea People’s Republic of China Singapore India Oceania Australia
| 22 Implementation will be a one-time fee in the first year of adoption OPTIONAL HOSTING / IMPLEMENTATION / SERVICE / SUPPORT / TRAINING BY EBSCO 1
| 23 We anticipate hosting, service & support will be roughly half the cost of some commercial offerings OPTIONAL HOSTING / IMPLEMENTATION / SERVICE / SUPPORT / TRAINING BY EBSCO 2
| 24 Training will be available upon request at an hourly rate plus travel expenses OPTIONAL HOSTING / IMPLEMENTATION / SERVICE / SUPPORT / TRAINING BY EBSCO 3
| 25 A SUCCESSFUL, MULTI-TENANT, NEXT-GENERATION, OPEN SOURCE LSP WILL RESULT IN: Greatly lowered annual ILS licensing & support costs, freeing up library funds for information resources and/or other library technology Improved products by increased library involvement in the development process and more innovation than exists in the current LSP/ILS marketplace More choices for libraries based on their particular needs, challenging existing forced packaging practices related to ILS & discovery services
| 26 WHO OWNS THE CODE? With a truly open source code base, ultimately nobody owns it, yet everybody owns it The code will be available under an APACHE LICENSE, the most permissive license governing the creation & use of open source code Anyone may download, change or use the software for any purpose – personal, academic or commercial
| 27 WHAT IS THE TIMELINE FOR RELEASE? Development has been underway for months Librarians and developers can join the community now High profile announcement was made in June 2016 July 2016: initial release of the base platform, and its documentation is already available to library developers Following the availability of the base platform, Index Data will regularly release code leading to the product launch The solution will be available in December 2017 aprox. Meanwhile libraries can download the beta code
| 28 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Website. Mailings. Subscribe to the FOLIO mailing lists at: Events. A public events calendar is available at: Social. Follow FOLIO on Twitter at Developer chat. Join the developer chat at: chat.freenode.net / channel: #folio. : #folio.
| 29 Get More Value From Your Institutional Repository: PlumX Metrics
| 30 History 2012 Funded Plum Analytics – Andrea Michalek/Mike Buschman University of Pittsburgh – first client 2013 Release of PlumX Clients: Universities, Research Institutions, Publishers, Research Investors 2014 EBSCO acquires Plum Analytics Heavy technology investment 2015 Fast growth +250 clients in 35 countries Investment continues
| 31 In General, What Is PlumX? At its core PlumX is a research tools that harvest metrics from a wide variety of sources to help institutions analyze, understand, and measure research impact. It measures traditional metrics It also measures altmetrics Non-traditional metrics, compared with above
| 32 PlumX Metrics: Provides comprehensive metrics for your Institutional Repository
| 33 How Does PlumX Metrics Help? Increase the value of your institutional repository Give your researchers metrics to incent them to use your repository Measure metrics for multiple versions of the same article
| 34 Institutional Repositories Libraries are often responsible for hosting research output for their institution In many cases researchers view depositing their output as administrative overhead— nothing in it for them Mandates are on the rise Compliance is difficult to enforce
| 35 Researchers have moved online
| 36 “Same” article, different places
| 37 Journal citations are the traditional form of Scholarly Measure 37 Journal Impact Factor 3.161
| 38 Citations Lag Research output from 2013 and 2014 will have few citations.
| 39 Showcase impact in the past 12 to 24 months.
| 40 How Does It Work? (without getting too technical) All types of artifacts (research output) can be tracked by different forms of identification Forms of identification could be DOIs, ORCID IDs, ISBNs, URLs, and more PlumX ingests and monitors this data to deliver metrics on impact of those artifacts
| 41 All Types of Research Artifacts Articles Blog posts Book chapters Books Cases Clinical Trials Conference Papers Data Sets Figures Grants Interviews Letters Media Patents Posters Presentations Reports Source Code Theses / Dissertations Videos Web Pages
| 42 Samples of PlumX Metrics Sources Amazon Bit.ly CrossRef Delicious Dryad dSpace EBSCO ePrints Facebook figshare Github Goodreads Google+ Medwave Mendeley PLOS PubMed Central Reddit Research Blogging Scopus SlideShare SourceForge Stack Overflow Twitter USPTO Vimeo Wikipedia Worldcat (OCLC) YouTube
| 43 Metrics Categories USAGE (clicks, downloads, views, library holdings, video plays) CAPTURES (bookmarks, code forks, favorites, readers, watchers) MENTIONS (blog posts, comments, reviews, Wikipedia links) SOCIAL MEDIA (+1s, likes, shares, tweets) CITATIONS (PubMed Central, Scopus, patents)
| 44 USAGE Is anyone reading our work? Did anyone watch our videos? Usage is the #1 stat researchers want to know after Citation counts PlumX is the only product that includes Usage clicks, downloads, views, library holdings, video plays
| 45 Captures indicate that someone wants to come back to the work Early indicator of future citations bookmarks, favorites, readers, watchers, code forks CAPTURES
| 46 This category measures people truly engaging with your research Automatically uncover the conversations about your research Discover feedback, opinions, etc. blog posts, comments, reviews, Wikipedia links MENTIONS
| 47 Social media measures how well a researcher is promoting their work This is especially important for early career researchers to measure and understand Track the buzz and attention around your research output +1s, likes, shares, tweets SOCIAL MEDIA
| 48 Citations still a standard of long-term impact Including citations enables side-by-side analysis with other metrics categories PubMed Central, Scopus, patents CITATIONS
| 49 Showcase impact in the past 12 to 24 months.
| 50 Metrics Dashboards
| Categories in Action – Example Article
| 52 Visualizing Impact: Plum Print Includes the 5 categories of metrics Circles dynamically change size based on metrics in each category
| 53 Supported IRs DSpace Eprints Fedora bepress Digital Commons Custom-built IRs Others – ask us!
| 54
| 55 EBSCO offers five new ULTIMATE full-text databases: Academic Search™ Ultimate Applied Science & Technology Source™ Ultimate Business Source ® Ultimate Humanities Source™ Ultimate Sociology Source™ Ultimate Available September 2016
| 56 The Ultimate full-text database collection provides students with MORE of what they need for successful research: MORE active full-text peer-reviewed journals MORE active full-text journals covered in citation indexes: SCOPUS and Web of Science MORE active full-text journals covered in subject indexes: SciFinder, PsycINFO, GeoRef, Ei Compendex, Embase MORE global content with English-language and native-language journals from Europe, Asia & Latin America Result lists will include a high-profile local language limiter (e.g., “Articles ONLY in English”)
| 57 Applied Science & Technology Source™ Ultimate Applied Sciences Database Version Active Full-Text Journals & Magazines Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals with NO Embargo Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson) Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Applied Science & Technology Source ULTIMATE (projected) 1,3001,
| 58 Humanities Source™ Ultimate Humanities Database Version Active Full-Text Journals & Magazines Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals with NO Embargo Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson) Humanities International Complete Humanities Source 1, ULTIMATE (projected) 1,6001,
| 59 Sociology Source™ Ultimate Sociology Version Active Full-Text Journals & Magazines Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals with NO Embargo Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS SocINDEX with Full Text ULTIMATE (projected) 1,
| 60 Business Source ® Ultimate Business Source Version Active Full-Text Journals & Magazines Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals with NO Embargo Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS Elite Premier 1, Complete 2,3541, ULTIMATE (projected) 3,5002,0001,3851,000
| 61 Academic Search™ Ultimate Academic Search Version Active Full-Text Journals & Magazines Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals Active Full-Text Peer-Reviewed Journals with NO Embargo Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS Elite 1,655 1, ,220 Premier 3,344 2,943 1,1512,477 Complete 6,724 6,0353,8544,128 ULTIMATE (projected) 10,2009,1786,5205,206
| 62 Thank You Olga Alarcón QUESTIONS?