Venturing where few dare to tread! Lucy Care - Derby
My background Dutiful daughter Engineer Mother Community activist Councillor Parliamentary candidate
The basics Councils Political parties Campaigning for election Parliament - but first, why?!
Steps to achieve change… Vision Evidence Lobbying / publicity Public support Political action
Councils Single tier / two tier Parish/town councils Unitary County & borough/district Highways, education, social care, parks, economic development, planning, waste, environmental health, housing, libraries, community safety, tourism…
Councillors Cabinet/executive –Specific roles/interests Scrutiny committees Local councillors Council officers Lobby any or all of them! –In person –By phone –By –By letter Contact details are on websites/phone books
Elections Wards / Divisions – polling districts ‘All up’ or by thirds Timetable Nominations Campaigning
Political Parties Philosophy v policies Local party organisations Learn – get involved –Local meetings –Websites –Conferences –Social media Lobby within the party for the ‘right’ policies … exists to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity…
Campaigning Resources from within the party Talk to people Use local media – newspaper, radio, TV Appeal to wider range of interests Energy!! Commitment!!
Parliament MPs are busy Legislation? News item? Talk to them! –In person –By –By post Peers – key role in legislation Lobby as part of a group
Thank you! Any questions? Feel inspired? Want to know more? Do get in touch! Lucy Care