Transformed and Transforming Bishop Wayne Miller Metropolitan Chicago Synod
Transforming Scarcity into abundance
Essential Christian Community
The CROSS is still the CENTER Reclaiming the Heart The CROSS is still the CENTER It is the image and promise of... GRACE… which is…
Reclaiming the Heart The love of God embracing us completely exactly as we are… The love of God calling us to be more than we have ever been before
Reformation Invitation Formation Transformation Action Inside Outside
Ecumenical/ Interfaith Church and World Ecumenical/ Interfaith Neighborhood Open Congregations
Open to the Neighborhood Open Congregations
Growing importance of justice POVERTY RACISM VIOLENCE
Ecumenical/ Interfaith Open to Collaboration Ecumenical/ Interfaith Neighborhood Open Congregations
Always local… Always Global Church and World Ecumenical/ Interfaith Neighborhood Open Congregations
Open Communities are evangelistic! EVANGELISM = Faith community INVESTING in individuals with the love of Jesus. OPEN CONGREGATIONS are continually investing in individuals and in the world around them!
STEWARDSHIP IS… Investing in “Us” Tithing = Unconditional, First-Fruits investment in “US” Almsgiving = Specific compassionate response
STEWARDSHIP IS… Investing in “Us” Almsgiving is both caring and generous Tithing expresses FREEDOM FROM ATTACHEMENT
Changing patterns of shared abundance IN FISCAL YEAR 2015… This SYNOD passed on $1.5 million to ELCA mission through regular undesignated mission support.
Changing patterns of shared abundance IN FISCAL YEAR 2015… INDIVIDUALS from this synod gave an ADDITIONAL $1.5 million directly to ELCA missions.
Changing patterns of shared abundance IN FISCAL YEAR 2015… CONGREGATIONS of this synod gave an ADDITIONAL $800,000 directly to ELCA missions.
Changing patterns of shared abundance What does this shift mean???? If your congregation or individual members are still focused on tithing…CONGRATULATIONS!
Changing patterns of shared abundance What does this shift mean???? If your congregation or individual members are giving BEYOND their tithe… WOW! CELEBRATE ABUNDANCE
Changing patterns of shared abundance What does this shift mean???? If your congregation or individual members have abandoned tithing and are ONLY almsgiving… you have work to do.
The Million Dollar challenge! The goal is to raise $1 million dollars for ELCA World Hunger by October 31, 2017 ELCA World Hunger Appeal
The Million Dollar challenge! Challenge ASSUMES a foundation of faithful tithing! ELCA World Hunger Appeal
The Million Dollar challenge! Witness to what it means to be a Lutheran Christian TODAY Living with OPEN HANDS ELCA World Hunger Appeal
Transformed and Transforming