CCA Forum Fall Meeting October CCA Common Component Architecture Update on TASCS Component Technology Initiatives CCA Forum Fall Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

CCA Forum Fall Meeting October CCA Common Component Architecture Update on TASCS Component Technology Initiatives CCA Forum Fall Meeting October 2008

CCA Forum Fall Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Support for Emerging HPC Hardware and Software Paradigms Overall Goal: Enable effective use of CCA on emerging HPC architectures Recent Activities and Plans –CCA on Heterogenous Architectures helps with portability and management of software modules executing on hardware accelerators (FPGA, IBM Cell, NVDIA Tesla etc) Inverse Hadamard transform deconvolution: I. Gorton, D. Chavarría-Miranda, M. Krishnan, and J. Nieplocha, Simulating Data Processing for an Advanced Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometer, in Proceedings of HPRCTA’07. D. Chavarría-Miranda, J. Nieplocha, and I. Gorton, Hardware-accelerated Components for Hybrid Computing Systems, in Proceedings of CBHPC (Component-Based High Performance Computing), –High Performance Event Service provides efficient and scalable implementation of CCA Event Service Provides notification, data delivery, coordination between components Event Service is used to distribute work and coordinate execution between CPU-only nodes and nodes with attached FPGAs on an HPC system I. Gorton, D. Chavarría-Miranda, and J. Nieplocha, Design and Implementation of a High-Performance CCA Event Service, to appear in Concurrency--Practice and Experience, Working on scalability issues and full SIDL-compatible implementation –Multiple-Component-Multiple-Data (MCMD) CCA Technology enables componentization of apps based on multiple levels of parallelism with focus on massively parallel systems. CCA Team specs and implementation available, engaging with subsurface applications MCMD implementation for subsurface simulations (PNNL) –Parameter studies using multiple instances of parallel STOMP components for simulating subsurface flow and transport MCMD framework implementation underway for SWIM (Python component framework) at ORNL Observation Parameters STOMP U-CODE Stomp/UCODE MCMD Driver STOMP TeamService Team ProcessID

CCA Forum Fall Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Software Quality and Verification Overall Goal: Extend component interface definitions with semantic annotations that can be verified/enforced at composition or run time (contracts). Recent Activities –Babel release demonstrates contract enforcement across languages C client  C, C++, F77, F90, Java, and Python implementations C++ client  C, C++, F77, F90, Java, and Python implementations –Client-side support for setting contract policies Modified compiler for Fortran, Java, and Python Currently debugging build-related issue with client-side support for setting contract policies in remaining language wrappers (Fortran name mangling issue) –Regression tests: Python tests debugging pending resolution of build issue Plans –Near-term: Resolve Fortran compilation/build problem Debug python regression tests Add client-side regression test drivers for (in order): Fortran and Java Resume updating the Babel User’s Guide –CQoS collaboration: leverage new interface contract enforcement features –Enhance Babel regression tests to exercise more interface contract features (e.g., invariants, more/new built-in methods)

CCA Forum Fall Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Computational Quality of Service Overall Goal: Develop infrastructure for dynamic component adaptivity, i.e., composing, substituting, and reconfiguring running component applications in response to changing conditions –Performance, accuracy, mathematical consistency, reliability, etc. Recent Activities and Plans –Analysis and Control infrastructure: Enhancements to PerfExplorer CCA component and CQoS database component A Component Infrastructure for Performance and Power Modeling of Parallel Scientific Applications, V. Bui, B. Norris, K. Huck, L. C. McInnes, L. Li, O. Hernandez, and B. Chapman, Proceedings of Component-Based High Performance Computing Workshop, October 14-17, 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany ACM, 2008, in press. –Combustion: Ongoing work on CQoS use with metapartitioner –Quantum chemistry: Work on chem-CQoS demo and poster for SC08 ntum_Chemistry_CQoS_Activities Joe Kenny (SNL), Alexander Gaenko, Heather Neltzoff, Meng-Shiou Wu (Ames), Li Li, Lois McInnes, Boyana Norris (ANL), Kevin Huck, Allen Malony (U of Oregon) Hands-on coding session on October 20, Chicago Chem-CQoS diagram

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October CCA Common Component Architecture Environment Gary Kumfert Focus Lead

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Environment/Core (Allan) CCA Helpdesk Porting –Cray XT4 Port (ORNL) –Mac OSX Leopard –Franklin (NERSC) F2003 compilers' Bind(C) underpowered +5 / -11 for the quarter

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Environment/Enhancements (Epperly) EventService (SNL+UU) –UU implemented demonstrated on Decaf BabelRMI/Proteus (BU) –Can call from Babel client to Babel Object Server –Need to remove some manual recoding XCAT –SIDL --> XML (via Babel) –XML --> code (via XSLT)

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Environment/Enhancements (Epperly) Babel (LLNL) –Merges stable and development branches –No new 1.0.x releases –features: Integrated Chasm-Lite Python RMI testing and fixes Fix arrays of enums (all languages) configure fixes for Intel 10, PGI Fortran, AIX, Mac Leopard, etc.

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Environment/Usability (Sottile) OnRamp (OU) –Source control migrated to –Third most downloaded at –Overhauled annotation syntax –Need more feedback from CCA collaborators –Geoff Hulette attending form OU Testing (ORNL, SNL, LLNL, ANL, …) –???

CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting October 2008 CCA Common Component Architecture Year 3 Targets: Core –Definitive CCA docs! [SNL,LLNL,Tech-X] –Multilanguage Debugging! [LLNL] Usability –Auto Integration Testing base+tutorial+toolkit [ANL+SNL+ORNL+LLNL] –Integrate SIDL semantics into testing [LLNL+ORNL] Enhancements –GUIBuilderSvc! [SNL+ANL] –Kepler Bridge! [UU] –WebServices Bridge (via Proteus) [BU] –Babel Structs in Java, Fortran90 [LLNL]

CCA Toolkit Repository People who have contributed:  Masha Sosokina (Ames Lab)-SparseKit2 Suite  Boyana Norris (ANL) - PETSc  Ben Allan, Jaideep Ray (SNL) – Tutorial Mesh Pending:  Manojkumar Krishnan (PNL) GA component AWOL:  Alan Sussman (UMD) – InterComm Suite  Randy Bramley (IU) – various Linear Algebra

Online Repository You can update the Plone wiki (if you have an account)‏

13 CCA Common Component Architecture CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting21-22 October 2008 Update on TASCS Outreach Activities CCA Forum Fall Meeting October 2008

14 CCA Common Component Architecture CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting21-22 October 2008 Collaborations and Publications Collaboration activities will be reported by updating the appropriate pages at –CIFTS, COMPASS, GWACCAMOLE, SWIM Publications and presentations will be reported by depositing them in the CCA Forum EPrint repository at –CBHPC papers

15 CCA Common Component Architecture CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting21-22 October 2008 People Kosta Damevski is now at Virginia State U and is taking over Utah’s role in TASCS Van Bui is joined ANL as a postdoc Gary Kumfert is going to Conviva –Tom Epperly to take over the Environments focus –Other changes to follow

16 CCA Common Component Architecture CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting21-22 October 2008 Recent and Upcoming Activities September –GNEP Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & simulation workshop, LLNL –HPC Application Software Consortium, Bellevue, WA October –OASCR workshop on Joint CS-Math Institutes and Breakthrough Technologies, Chicago, IL –CompArch, Karlsruhe, Germany (CBSE, QOSA, CBHPC) November –SC08, Austin, TX. posters

17 CCA Common Component Architecture CCA Forum Fall 2008 Meeting21-22 October 2008 Collaboration Server Transition Everyone who has an account on the old (LBL) cca-forum server (CVS, SVN, shell access) needs to apply for a new one on the ORNL servers! – CVS, SVN, shell access to move by end of year