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People in many different countries celebrate Valentine's Day. Each year on February 14, friends and lovers exchange candy, flowers, love notes and greeting cards. These gifts are used as special messages of friendship and love. This tradition, as we know it today, has grown from two basic roots: the Roman festival of Lupercalia and the sad story of a Christian doctor named Valentine roots: History Symbols Poems For teachers
Many years ago, the Romans celebrated the festival of Lupercalia on February 15. At first, the festival honoured the Roman god Lupercus, keeper of the crops and farm animals. However, as time passed, the Romans began to honour a different god during the festival. Her name was Juno, queen of the Roman gods and guardian of women and marriage. At the festival, all unmarried people played a special game. All the females wrote their names on pieces of paper and dropped them into a big jar. Then, all the males drew names from the jar and spent the festival dancing with the person whose name they had selected. Celebrations of fun and love are still a part of today's Valentine tradition.the festival honoured the Roman god Lupercus
ST. VALENTINE'S DAY In the past century the day grow more and more popular throughout the world, although it's origin is a mystery. It is said that there was St.Valentine who lived in Rome and was known as christian priest who would marry young couples against the order of the Emperor...
...the Emperor believed that unmarried young men were better soldiers. Since then St.Valintine has become a patron of lovers and saint patron of birds. The legend tells they choose their mates and begin to build their nests exactly on February 14th. Such an unusual and romantic legend makes the holiday very dear to many couples and some of them become engaged or even married on that day
Cupid, the son of Venus (the Goddess of Love), could cause people to fall in love by shooting them with one of his magic arrows. The heart is the symbol of love and also a symbol of Valentine's Day. Red is a colour that stands for strong feelings. This is why the red rose is the flower of love.
Rings symbolse the union between a man and a woman. Two or three hundred years ago, Valtine's Day was a popular day to give someone an engagement rings.
Like any other holyday St.Valentine's day has it's traditions and customs. For example, there is a wide spread custom of sending greeting cards or express affection. The cards, known as Valentines, are designed with hearts or made in a form of a heart to symbolize love.cards...they also include little poems that usually are composed by the author of the card...
Roses are red Violets are blue,We've only met through but you know I love you true There is a lady sweet and kind, Whose lovely face still fills my mind. I only saw her walking by, But I will love her 'til I die.
1.What kind of holiday do the English and the Americans celebrate on the 14 th of February? 2.What roots has this tradition grown from? 3.What do you know about the festival of Lupercalia? 4.What things do friends and lovers exchange? 5.What are these gifts used for? 6.Is it a holiday for children? 7.St.Valentine’s Day isn’t a national holiday, is it?roots the festival of Lupercalia?national holiday