By Imogen Brown
How are our lives enriched by books? Books are more than just paper with words on. You can find out the most amazing things from non-fiction books. You can find out about things that could change your life forever. The Bible tells us about the coming of Jesus and about Jesus’s life. We read the Bible to tell us about how Jesus behaved, how we should be.
How did the word spread? People who met Jesus or were around to hear the wonderful stories of what he did and how he changed people’s attitude passed the stories down through the generations. The word was passed on orally (from the mouth).
Why are there different religions? Although some may read the Bible, they might not believe that Jesus really did live, that he really did change the world’s attitude. Some religions, such as the Jews, only read the Old Testament. This is a form of a Bible but is called the Torah.
Are there different books in the Bible? Yes, there are many different books in the Bible. Some of these are: The Gospels, Poetic books and Corinthians 1 and 2. There are also many different genres in the Bible: Poetic, Gospel (Good News) and letters, are just a few.
Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls have the Old Testament of our Bible on them. They were found in caves, a few hundred metres away from the Dead Sea. They were found by a young shepherd boy, who had thrown a stone and heard a sound that sounded like pottery breaking. There they were… The Dead Sea Scrolls.
How does the Bible shape our lives as Christians? The Bible has inspired us and others around us to believe what we believe in. We, as Christians, believe in Jesus and that he did live all those years ago. The stories of Jesus have helped us to understand that he wants us to live like him. We should do as Jesus wants because he is the Saviour of the World.
New Testament The New Testament is about Jesus being here on Earth. He was no longer someone who was imagined to be with us in the future. He was here. He was the Saviour. He ruled over us. Jesus wanted us to change ourselves so we could be his people again. Jesus always forgives our sins. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified. On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. All of these events are found in the New Testament.
Similarities and differences Similarities Differences All of our Bibles contain stories of Jesus. All Bibles have an Old and New Testament. All Bibles are about the word of God. Some of the stories have different wording. Some are specially designed for children, others for adults. Some are easy to read, others hard
Experiences within the Bible Some of the people in the Bible - such as the Lost Son – may experience some hard times in the story. The son becomes rich and moves away. He soon spends all his money on fancy garments but then, he realises that he hasn’t got any money left for food. He goes to work at a pig farmer’s house, looking after the pigs. He eventually has the sense to return to his father.
Bible writers The authors of the Bible have been inspired by others in the family telling them about the stories of Jesus. Nobody has just made this up from out of their head. Someone has told them all this. The stories were passed down orally through the generations.
I learnt how to find books in the Bible by using the chapters and verses that are given. I have really enjoyed this topic. We were even having a debate about whether a Kindle is a book or not! This has been an amazing, fact-filled and fun topic as I have learnt so much whilst having fun.