Chapter 2.4 Mediterranean Civilizations
I. Phoenician Sea Power ► Tyre was the major city in the region of Phoenicia ► Their focus was the use of the Mediterranean Sea and all of its water resources
A. Masters of Trade ► Phoenicians settled in an area with few but important resources ► Besides snails (use dye for cloth) they had an abundance cedar forests so both were focus in trade as well as sea resources
► The Phoenicians traveled the stormy ocean and sea and returned to trading posts with stories of sea monsters and horrible storms ► They did this to scare away others from their trade networks
Exotic Market Places ► Trade brought exotic goods from all over the Mediterranean Sea ► Food was even brought in from far away areas like figs, honey, olives and spices ► Even strange animals like Giraffes and warthogs from Africa were sold
II. Phoenician Alphabet ► Like others they relied on writing to conduct trade ► They developed symbols and letters to make sounds and words
III. Rise of Israelites ► South of Phoenicia a small group of people settled near the Jordan River ► Never was a large civilization they created a known book called the Torah, which explained their civilization many called it the bible of the Israelites
A. Abraham the Leader ► According to the Torah, Abraham was the leader of this group and he pushed for the belief in one god called Monotheism ► The Torah said that god Told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia so he left and Settled in Canaan But after a famine hit the fled and Settled in Egypt
B. In the Desert ► The second chapter of the Torah said that a leader named Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt (called Exodus) where they wandered the desert of Sinai for 40 years ► While in the desert the Torah said that God then gave Moses the 10 commandments
C. Settlement in Canaan ► They settled this area and King Saul defended this area from enemies but King Saul died ► Under the new King, David they settled the capitol of Jerusalem
D. A Divided Kingdom ► After David died his son Solomon inherited the kingdom ► Soon the kingdom split into 2 separate kingdoms which made them weaker ► Assyria then attacked the weakened area and the Israelites were sent into exile or forced to lived somewhere else