Forensic Psychiatric Nursing
Forensic science- Applying science to answer questions for the legal system New field- forensic nursing Usually deals with-trauma or death of victims, perpetrators of abuse, violence, criminal activity
Is a new specialty combining traditional nursing with forensic science and criminal justice Proficient in assessment and treatment, evidence collection and preservation and proper documentation Before any evidence collection for sexual assault, signed consent from patient required
Rape-trauma syndrome Acute phase- confusion and disbelief Later- Decreased motor activity Fears and phobias Flashbacks or re-experiencing trauma
In contrast to the usual nursing role- the forensic nurse must remain neutral, objective and detached
Deals with people or survivors of criminal activity Is a consult in court cases Input on policy changes
International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) 1992 formed by sexual assault nurse examiners Forensic nurse generalist- RN who completes a program in forensic nursing Forensic nurse in advanced practice-Graduate education with a broad focus in forensic nursing
Other Roles for Nursing Sexual assault examiner Forensic psychiatric nurse Expert witness Consultant to law enforcement Hostage negotiator Criminal profiler
Legal sanity- Person’s ability to distinguish right from wrong regarding the criminal act preformed Legal insanity cases usually involve the presence of a major mental disorder like schizophrenia Expert witness-holding a certain level of expertise in a specific areas
Correctional Nurse- Treatment and service overseeing for inmates 25% of inmates have a mental health diagnosis