Work done by: Ana Sofia Miguel Branco
Greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs when the sun sends energy to the Earth's surface. Our atmosphere, which contains greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane, absorbs the radiation and slowly releases it into Earth. Part of the radiation that is reflected by the planet to the space is absorbed and resent to the Earth's surface in the form of heat, keeping an average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.
Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide As mentioned previously, greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. However, if the percentage of these gases increases to dangerously high levels, the repercussions are for everyone to see.
Global Warming - Global warming results from an increase in the temperature of the Earth's troposfhere. Climate change - Climate changes result from alterations to regional climatic events such as rainfall patterns, evaporation and cloud formation.
Emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced by developing industrial practices and means of transportation which are less dependent on fossil fuels. The industrialized countries have the lion's share of the responsibility due to the higher amount of fossil fuels used. This has resulted in high concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Deforestation Burning of fossil fuels Many factories produce long-lasting industrial gases Eletrical appliances Population growth
LEARN about the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change. Learn about alternate, non-fossil fuel based energy sources. Inform your family, friends and colleagues. WRITE to your local newspapers and other media outlets and demand they regularly feature stories regarding global warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect.
DEMAND your government fulfills your country's commitments to stabilizing and makes further commitments to a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2005, based on 1990 levels. TAKE responsibility for making simple changes in energy consumption. The main greenhouse gas, CO2, comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Two key areas where individuals can help reduce the emissions of CO2 are in electricity consumption and transportation.