Please take a moment to turn off your cell phone Welcome to Broome-Tioga Workforce New York
On-the-Job Training (OJT) 2
3 Bakery Construction Nursing Health Management Computer Repair Fabrication
OJT is an “earn as you learn” training program designed to help you gain employment for which you are not yet fully qualified. We reimburse up to 50% of your gross wages to an employer if they hire you as a trainee OJT training is limited in duration based on the training needs of the participant and requirements of the job
Help you get you back to work Bridge the gap between your current skills and the skills the employer is looking for Promote self-sufficient employment and career advancement Reimburse the extraordinary cost of training to employers
Matching Employers with Job Seekers 6
Assists employers with the costs of training new employees Training is aligned with skills required for the occupation Employers realize gains in productivity as participants learn on the job
“OJT [helps us] find the people that have the basic things we’re looking for, but don’t have the skills… go ahead and train them… it’s a win-win for the individual and for us as a company.” Broome-Tioga OJT Employer
“[OJT]…allowed me to find a motivated worker that I was able to train and now I have someone who is a very valuable part of my company; it’s a terrific relationship.” Broome-Tioga OJT Employer
Earn as you learn! Acquire job and career advancement skills Learn in a hands- on environment Opportunity for long-term employment
“The [OJT] program did allow me to further my knowledge base in the healthcare field and in the case management setting.” Broome-Tioga OJT Trainee
“I was unemployed for a little over a year… I went to the Workforce in Broome-Tioga and they helped me find a job through the OJT program.” Broome-Tioga OJT Trainee
13 Includes most skilled and semi-skilled jobs There needs to be a documented skills gap The position must be full-time (30+hrs/wk) and permanent The employer must pay at least $8.00 per hour; there is no upper limit Salary, not commission
14 Residential Aide Lab Technician Senior Process Engineer Kitchen Assistant Production Supervisor Nurse Case Manager Machine Operator CNC/Lathe Operator Milling Machine Operator Machinist Shipping/Receiving Receptionist Plant Manager Architectural Shop Spvr Administrative Assistant Service Technician Sales Support Cutter/Grinder Yard Engineer Account Developer Fiscal Assistant Well Hook Up Operator Maintenance Technician Health Info Mgmt Coord Team Leader Mechanical Technician Electrical Technician Sales/Project Manager Supervisor Personal Care Aide Unit Secretary Tool & Die Maker MediVan Driver Auto Mechanic Laborer Welder Painter Office Manager Marketing Manager Retail Systems Analyst Energy Services Tech Asst Weatherization Dir CDLA Truck Driver Web Developer Manufacturing Engineer
15 Seasonal and temporary jobs Positions through temporary agencies Positions that are political in nature Positions involving religious activities Civil Service Positions
Mention that you are OJT eligible in your cover letter and show your personalized OJT letter to potential employers The employer contacts the Broome-Tioga Workforce representative on your OJT letter to discuss the possibility of an OJT contract Workforce staff assess you to assure that there are training objectives/skills to be learned in the new position An employment plan is written for you 16
Be sure to include your OJT letter when you send out a resume Add a comment about OJT availability in your cover letter and thank you letter Talk about the benefits OJT can provide when you are in the interview Don’t be afraid to apply for positions that you don’t have all the qualifications for
Discuss the possibility of On-the-Job Training with the employer BEFORE you are offered the position. On-the-Job Training CANNOT be funded after hiring takes place 19
20 O*NET OnLine MySkills MyFuture
Find occupations to explore Search for occupations that use your skills Look at related occupations View Summary, Detail or Custom Reports Connect to other online career information resources 21
SkillsGeneralized Work Activities Interests Work StylesWork Context Experience and Training 22
24 The skills you gained in past jobs can lead directly to exciting new career paths Identify career options based on your experience through a unique skills-matching process
On behalf of Workforce NY… we thank you and we wish you success in your job search!