R enaissance Protestant R eformation Scientific R evolution
What country is this?
Name two Humanist Scholars
Francesco Petrarca Italian Poet Scholar and Humanist
Erasmus Wrote about corruption in the Catholic Church Translated the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew
Who carved this sculpture?
Where is this famous ceiling?
The Sistine Chapel in Rome
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What is this?
Leonardo’s sketches
This is a good example of p _______
This is a good example of p erspective
Which city-state became an important center of trade?
Which city became an important banking center?
Who are these men? Powerful banking family Ruled Florence during the Renaissance Patrons of the arts
Cosimo and Lorenzo Medici Powerful banking family Ruled Florence during the Renaissance Patrons of the arts
Which papal-state was this?
technolo gy
Who invented the printing press and printed a Bible on it?
Johannes Gutenberg
Gutenberg’s shop
Gutenberg Bible
He believed the sun is the center of the solar system
Nicolaus Copernicus
What was his theory called?
Helio-centric or Sun Centered
Who used the newly invented telescope to study the planets, moon, and stars?
Galileo Galilee
Sir Isaac Newton Who combined the ideas of Copernicus and Galileo into one single theory called the Law of Universal Gravitation and Laws of Motion?
Sir Isaac Newton
microscope Who invented the microscope?
microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek Red blood cell magnified
Relig ion
Martin Luther The Protestant Reformation began when Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Chuch Martin Luther wanted the church to reform; he did not intend to start a new church or religion
Martin Luther In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his “95 Theses” to the door of the Wittenberg Church in Germany This was a list of his complaints against corruption in the church
He objected to the selling of indulgences -- a certificate that would pardon the buyers' sins
His followers became known as Protestants The movement became known as the Reformation
King Henry VIII 1536 Breaks with the Catholic church and formed the Church of England Catholic Beliefs without the power of the Pope
Queen Elizabeth I Supported writers and artists Defeated the Spanish navy Supported explorers Provided stability during her 44 year reign
William Shakespeare Shakespeare was the most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age.
Romeo and Juliet Who wrote this play? hint: He was a brilliant English writer of sonnets, poems, and plays
Miguel de Cervantes Spanish writer and poet His novel, Don Quixote, was published in 1605 He died on the same day and year as Shakespeare (April 23, 1616)
His novel, Don Quixote, was published in 1605
geograp hy
Marco Polo Italian trader Travelled to China and back His tales from the Silk Road made Europeans more interested in trade with Asia
Silk Road Ancient trade routes connecting Europe and China Mongol Empire made the trade route safe, and trade increased
Columbus Sails west in 1492 Reaches the American Continent Causes massive world change on both continents
Foods that Europe didn’t have before Columbus tomatoes, corn, potatoes, bell peppers, pineapple, peanuts, tobacco, vanilla, chocolate, pumpkins, and squashes
Animals and food Americans had never seen before Columbus Cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, bees Oranges, grapes, bananas, sugar, honey, onions, olives, coffee, peaches
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese sailor Travelled around the world Started in 1519 The trip was completed without him in 1522