Ms Ingrid Lycke Ellingsen Mr. Zaza Tsereteli, MD, MPH Chairs and ITAs meeting Vilnius, Lithuania, 2-3 September,2009 Prison Health Expert Group Progress and Future activities (including PAC Side event on Prison Health)
Declaration Main aims: 1. To raise awareness among the countries within the NDPHS Region of the current situation regarding the health of and healthcare provided in and out of Prison settings 2. To call for marked improvements in the current situation 3. To discuss on transparency of practice and policies – for inmates and the community professionals Aimed for: policy makers politicians governors/chiefs of prisons - senior staff staff involved in practice at prisoner level
Declaration (Current status) May – First Draft June – Distributed for comments to the NDPHS EGs and PH EG members. Consultations in several countries with MoH and MOJ ( Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland) July – Consultations with WHO, Denmark and Russia. August – Draft is distributed to the CSR members and Ministries of Justice. September – Final version for Declaration is prepared and sent to the Ministries of Health and Ministries of Justice. November 25, adoption of Declaration
Side event on Prison Health Good Prison Health – Better Public Health –Safer Society
Side event What:1 day meeting. Protection of prisoners is protection of our communities Where:Oslo, Norway (Hotel Bristol) When: 24 November, 2009 Who:PH EG, representatives for all EG of NDPHS, MOJ, MOH, EMCDDA, WHO HIPP, Portugal, Canada, NGOs
Draft Programme of Side event 10:00 – 11:30 1. Opening of the Conference, presentation of scope and possible outcome – The Minister of Justice of Norway 2. Welcoming remarks by the present Ministers of Justice from the Partner Countries 3. Overview of the General prison situation – WHO (Lars Moller - – “Prison Health - a challenge to public health”. 4. Prison health in the NDPHS countries - The Chair of the PH EG
Draft Programme (continuation) 11:45 –13:30 5) Prison reforms – presentation of the situation in some countries: A) Canada – Ann Marie Hume B) Portugal – Henrique Barros C) Poland - Mr.Leszek Markuszewski D) Norway – TBD E) SEEHN - TBD 13:30 -14:30 Lunch
Draft Programme (continuation 2) 14:35 –16:10 6) NDPHS EG on PHC - Simo Kokko “Bridging the gap between the health services in prison and the civilian world - what could be the role of primary health care?” 7) NDPHS EG on HIV/AIDS – Pauli Leinikki “HIV prevention and care - emerging issues in our region" 8) NDPHS SIHLWA EG – Mikko Vienonen “Healthier lifestyles for would-be, current and past prisoners - a “silver bullet” or a “red herring”? 9) The Expert Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk - Bertil Mahs "Prevention of criminal behaviors in young people with experiences of out-of-home care
Draft Programme (continuation 3) 16:15 – 17: EMCDDA – Lucas Wiessing "Infectious diseases among injecting drug users and harm reduction services in Europe - more focus needed on prisons" 11) NGO of Ex-Prisoners - TBD 12) Draft Declaration, conclusion, final remarks (summing up) 13) Closing of the Conference
PH EG Member Countries and Organisations 1) Norway – Chairman 2) Finland 3) Sweden 4) Lithuania 5) Latvia 6) Estonia 7) Russia (joined in April, 2009) 8) Poland 9) Germany 10) Canada 11) Belarus 12) Portugal 13) Denmark (joined in June, 2009) 14) WHO HIPP
PH EG Meetings 1) 1. Vilnius (February): Canada, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, WHO HIPP, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRD), University of Bremen, HIV/AIDS EG, PHC EG; 2) 2. Helsinki (June):Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, FILHA (Finland); 3) 3.Oslo (November) Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, WHO HIPP.
General Strategy Scaling up knowledge, sharing best practices and “ Policy transfer between countries. The network of experts and their respective Institutions facilitating such exchange and intercountry collaboration. Focusing more sharply on setting standards, policy and strategy dialogue and technical advise.
Strategy Goal # 1 To identify and to decrease gaps in provision of health care to prisoners, at least equivalent to that available for the outside population, in order to support their healthy return to the community Action: By January 2012, the PH EG will have concluded preliminary assessments of Prison Health service organizational structures and their influence on health care access at Health care institutions in partner countries and will make recommendations to ensure all patient-inmates have improved access to health care at each institution
Strategy Goal # 2 Support NDPHS partner countries in their efforts to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals towards HIV/AIDS and TB control, by developing preventive programs and control mechanisms within the penitentiary system Action: Develop by January 2012, a comprehensive programme on HIV/TB prevention and management within the Penitentiary system of NW Russia. During the 4-year period collect and disseminate the best practices on effective comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention interventions and MDR TB management in NDPHS partner countries
Strategy Goal # 3 A gender-sensitive prison policy in order to meet the basic health and welfare needs of women and women accompanied by children in prison is developed Action: Follow-up on Thematic report on Women’s Health in Prison settings. Collaborate with prisons/jurisdictions that have implemented successful programes on Children staying with their mothers in prison; p romote national and international seminars to share experiences and examples of effective practice
PH EG activities (2010) EG meeting in Arkhangelsk (Russia) – March EG meeting in Gdansk (Poland) – June or September Preparation of Assessment of Prison Health Care systems in 2-3 NDPHS Partner countries (possible Lithuania and Latvia) – in collaboration with PHC EG Close collaboration with WHO HIPP Start to Develop TB/HIV Co-infection management programme( with the active involvement of NW Russia) – in collaboration with HIV/AIDS EG Follow-up on Thematic report on Women’s Health in Prison settings - Children staying with their mothers in prison - in collaboration with Children at risk group