Chapter 10 How Congress Works Section 2 The Committee System
© EMC Publishing, LLC Committees Look at Proposed Legislation Committees consider, draft, and redraft proposed legislation, including bills (proposed laws) and resolutions (legislation dealing with temporary or unusual matters). Committees are the primary information gatherers on policy alternatives and which groups will support which policies. Committees provide members with positions of power and can influence national policy. The most senior members generally serve on the more powerful committees.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Types of Bills and Resolutions
© EMC Publishing, LLC Committees Provide Oversight Committees perform legislative oversight by ensuring that executive agencies carry out laws as Congress intended. If agencies are not acting in ways that Congress agrees with, then Congress can change the laws that give agencies their power and funding. The Legislative Reorganization Acts of 1946 and 1970 require that Congress perform legislative oversight. Oversight tends to occur when there is a scandal or increase in public interest, rather than as a careful and systematic ongoing process.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Standing Committees Standing committees are permanent committees that do most of the work in Congress. Standing committees can amend or kill bills before they reach Congress. Standing committees deal with specific policy areas. The chairs of standing committees have considerable power, and members of Congress seek these positions. The House Rules Committee determines when to debate bills, how long to debate, how to amend bills, and whether to kill bills. The majority party controls the House Rules Committee.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Standing Committees in the 110th Congress
© EMC Publishing, LLC Select Committees Select committees are set up for issues that do not fit into the existing standing committees. They are generally temporary and do not recommend legislation. For example, select committees investigated the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and President Bill Clinton’s financial dealings in Arkansas. The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics and the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct investigate actions that might violate the rules of behavior for senators and representatives.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Joint Conference and Committees Joint committees consist of members of both houses of Congress. They jointly deal with bills or propose legislation. Conference committees resolve the differences between the House and Senate versions of bills and then submit the final bill to each house for a vote.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Your Turn In August 2007, a bridge on Interstate 35W in Minneapolis collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring others. In October, the House Transportation Committee reviewed a bill for $25 billion in bridge repairs. The committee revised the bill and approved $2 billion in bridge repairs. Which type of committee is the House Transportation Committee? a. Standing b. Select c. Joint d. Conference
© EMC Publishing, LLC Getting on the Right Committees Members of Congress try to get on committees that fit their goals. Members concerned with reelection will want to get on committees that deal with issues relevant to their constituents. Members concerned with lawmaking will want to get on committees that deal with high-profile matters and issues that have broad interest to many people. Members concerned with having influence will want to be on the most powerful committees, which will enable them to grant favors to other members of Congress.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Who Decides Committee Membership? Committee membership and leadership are determined by party leaders and party caucuses. In the past, the seniority system made chairs of committees powerful. Now, the chairs must be mindful of the concerns of the party leaders and party caucuses or risk being removed.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Congressional Resources Members of Congress enjoy much support from a large staff including secretaries, computer personnel, and other professionals. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) provides research services. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits executive departments, conducts policy evaluations, and assists committee staff with legislative oversight. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provides economic data and analysis to members of Congress.
© EMC Publishing, LLC Your Turn Imagine that you are a brand new senator. Which type of committee should you join to advance your political career? a.Standing b.Select c.Joint d.Conference