WELCOME ! Second Meeting of the GGC Impact Group on “Composition of Delegations and Panels” 13 th September 2016, 12:15 – 14:00 ITU Satellite Restaurant, Tower Building, Level 15
DRAFT AGENDA 1.Welcoming remarks by co-chairs 2.Report of the last meeting (see attached) 3.Experience sharing: ILO, UNAIDS, DIPLO foundation, ITU 4.Report of the UNGBS-8 discussions on moving towards greater inclusion in governing bodies meetings (ITU, WMO, UNITAR, UNOG, UNWOWEN) 5.Presentation of the joint publication (UNWOMEN/GGC) project : “Shaping the international agenda: giving women a voice in UN fora”. 6.Preparation of the guidelines/checklist for meetings and panels organizers 7.Any other business
Experience-sharing 1.ILO - 2.UNAIDS - 3.DIPLO FOUNDATION - 4.ITU- Past presentations are available at
REPORT FROM THE UN-GBS-8 1.Governing Bodies are key vectors for changes in the organizations; greater inclusion in GB meetings help mainstreaming gender equlaity in the policy making process and programmatic work of the organizations - 2.Questionnaire had been prepared by ITU/UNOG/WMO/UNITAR and UNWOMEN based on the discussions held during the 1 st meeting of impact group and sent to more than 22 UN Agencies, Funds and Programme. 3.Based on 16 replies, the group had a great discussion on current practices in organizations regarding tracking gender participation in meeting and disseminating the numbers, training initiatives and communication campaign.
CONCLUSIONS FROM THE UN-GBS-8 Building on the information and views expressed during UNGBS 8, governing bodies Secretariats are invited to raise awareness (e.g., holding briefings / side-events, leaflets, communications, etc.) on the importance of gender balance and women’s participation in their meetings and in holding chair functions; and to organize training sessions for women delegates Governing bodies Secretariats to explore ways to track number of women participating in their meetings, including as chairs, with a view to report / exchange views on best practices and challenges at the next UNGBS meeting interested organizations / entities to contribute to a publication on Enhanced participation of women in UN governing bodies under the leadership of UN Women and the impact group on the composition of delegations of the Geneva Gender Champions initiative
JOINT PUBLICATION GGC/UNWOMEN ON “Shaping the international agenda: giving women a voice in UN fora” OUTLINE I. The Normative framework for women’s full and equal participation in UN governing bodies II. The state of play : Overview of women’s participation in international and national decision- making III. A growing realization in governing bodies that business as usual is no longer an option IV. The way forward : best practices and recommendations.
JOINT PUBLICATION GGC/UNWOMEN ON “Shaping the international agenda: giving women a voice in UN fora” Next steps Collection of information through questionnaire and review of existing publications: by 31 October 2016 Drafting: by 30 November 2016 Editing, design and printing: by mid-January 2017.
GUIDELINES/CHECKLIST FOR MEETINGS AND PANELS ORGANIZERS First draft circulated but very few inputs received; Any interest to have a small group working on this ?