Success! GEG Grants KCIE Workshops Residency Program Upcoming Alumni Magazine MakerSpace Growth in on-line International/National Program Opportunities Student in PV now March Puerto Vallarta with students March Potential University of Sheffield-Hallam Potential diversity experience in New Orleans
Changes! KCIE – Shawn Henderson Office of Field Experiences and Licensure Coordinator of Clinical Experiences has moved to the new office
Recognitions Rare and collectable item for you today! College of Education Research & Creative Activity Teaching Service
Reports Interviews! AEP Teacher Education
UPCOMING EVENTS FOR TEACHER ED! Thursday, February 11 KNEA-SP night at ballgame / Volcanes school supply drive Thursday, February 11 Friday, February 19 KEEN Conference luncheon in Topeka (2 students selected) Friday, February 19 Thursday, February 25 KNEA-SP IRC Google workshop with Dr. Moody Thursday, February 25 Wednesday, March 2 KTOY luncheon Robbins Center for faculty/staff/students******** Wednesday, March 2 Friday, April 1-2 KNEA-SP host state Spring RA at FHSU / MU BallroomApril 1-2
8 months prior to the visit – Submit Self Study Report (SSR) and evidence for each standard component June 5, months prior to the visit – CAEP sends out availability survey and conflict of interest for to Site Visitors June 5, 2016 – August 5, months prior to visit – CAEP assigns leads and teams in partnership with KSDE August 5, months prior to visit – CAEP/KSDE team reviews SSR and all relevant evidence and provides a Formative Feedback Report to the EPP October 5, months prior to visit – The EPP submits its response to the Formative Feedback Report and uploads supplemental evidence as requested December 5, months prior to visit - The Visit Lead, State Lead, and state consultant conduct virtual pre-visit December 5, 2016 – January 5, 2017 At least 21 days prior to the visit – Travel information is finalized and booked. By January 15, 2017 ONSITE VISIT – The team conducts the onsite visit to verify submitted evidence February 5—8, 2017 (Sunday–Wednesday) Within 21 days after the visit – Site visitors complete online evaluations of their peers and the CAEP accreditation process, and submit expense reports to CAEP By March 1, days after the visit – Visitor Team submits Site Visit Report/Case Analysis March 8, 2017 Following Semester – Initial Review Panel (Provider representatives and Visit Leads are invited to participate) Joint Review Panel Accreditation Decision Fall 2017 CAEP Timeline at a glance for the FHSU Onsite Visit
ACTIONDUE BYResponsibility Evidence for Self Study Friday Nov. 20, 2015Committee Chairs Data to Committees Friday Jan. 15, 2016Amie Wright Analysis Draft to Kathi Tuesday March 1, 2016Committee Chairs In-House Comment & Review Friday March 25, 2016By Assignment/All Hands Finalize Draft Monday April 4, 2016EPP Leadership Transmit Draft to External Review Friday April 8, 2015TBA Return of External Review Friday April 29, 2016TBA Rewrite and Revise Self Study Friday May 27, 2016EPP Leadership Transit Report to CAEP through AIMS Friday June 3, 2016EPP Leadership Tentative CAEP Timeline Matrix
CAEP PREPARATION Basic Questions for each Standard plus Diversity, Technology, and Selected Improvement Area What is this item of evidence? How was the quality of the evidence determined or assured? What criteria of success has been established on the measure, and how? What does the evidence mean? How is the evidence used?
CAEP ITEMS KSDE/CAEP PANEL – Jan. 29 th in Topeka CAEP EXAMININER TRAINING in KC dates July 17-20, The application for this is on the CAEP website. We can do it, yes we can! With all hands on deck!
Strategic Planning and CAEP
What Guides Us? Shared Values and Beliefs "Education professionals prepared at Fort Hays State University will have the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge, skills and dispositions to design, lead, model, and teach collaboratively in diverse settings."