Demographic Transition Model Timeline Stage 4-5 UK (1947 to present day)
1950s The NHS was established in 1948 Conditions in inner city UK were grim – overcrowded tenements with poor hygiene and sanitation Birth rates in poorer areas were still high despite family planning clinics being available Midwives were trained but many women gave birth at home. Health care was still relatively basic duction-of-the-national-health- service/4214.htmlhttp:// duction-of-the-national-health- service/4214.html
1960s Slum clearance began and so hygiene and health started to improve Contraceptive pill became widely available to married women Health care continued to improve as more drugs became available People were slightly more affluent and diets improved as a result Abortion legalised in 1967
1970s Babies were routinely born in maternity hospitals and so IM reduced considerably. Antenatal care improved. Further advances in medicine occurred but people still smoked and unemployment rose towards the end of the decade Equal pay act introduced Single women could be prescribed pill and contraceptives were free
1980s Organ transplants and heart surgery became much more effective The link between cancer and smoking, diet and alcohol were firmly established (although first identified in late 1950s) Birth control widely and freely available. Health education in schools. Under 16s could be prescribed pill without parental consent Introduction of morning after pill Rise in opportunities for women – more promotion
1990s to present day Smoking ban in public places (2006 in Scotland) Cancer survival rate much improved due to research Cancer screening programmes widely available More opportunities for women Improved maternity and paternity benefits Increase in pension age to 67 No child benefit for parents who earn more that £60,000 aspxhttp:// aspx ng-older-peoples-health-needs/5623.htmlhttp:// ng-older-peoples-health-needs/5623.html