Humanist perspective: Sex, contraception, and STDs
We have only one life (no afterlife) and so should make the most of it We should try to lead happy and fulfilling lives and help others do the same We should consider the consequences of our actions when deciding how to act Humanist beliefs
Sex is a pleasure that can be enjoyed responsibly. It can be a positive ingredient of a happy life. It is not ‘sinful’, it can take place outside marriage, and it does not need to be performed only with the goal of reproduction. However... We are responsible for our actions. We should be physically and mentally mature enough to make the decision. We should consider carefully the potential consequences and risks. Humanist attitudes to sex
Humanist and founder of the National Secular Society, Charles Bradlaugh, was sentenced to six months in prison in 1877 for publishing with his friend, Annie Besant, a pamphlet about family planning and birth control. Contraception
Does contraception interfere with nature? Humanists do not believe in an ultimate plan for the universe. We interfere with nature all the time to improve the quality of our lives (farming, clothing, medicine). Benefits of contraception: Contraception helps ensure every child is a wanted child. It can result in better, healthier lives for women. It reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Humanist attitudes to contraception
Many humanists believe quality, age-appropriate sex and relationships education is a right for all young people. It ensures young people are informed and able to make responsible decisions about their own lives, and are fully aware of the risks and consequences of their actions. Sex and relationships education (SRE)
1)Can an activity which does not harm anyone else be morally wrong? 2)What should be the age of consent for sexual relationships? Should it be the same for males and females, homosexuals and heterosexuals? 3)Is promiscuity acceptable? 4)Why do humanists think contraception is a good thing? 5)If contraception was not part of a god’s plan, why would he/she give us contraception? 6)Is contraception morally preferable to abortion? What about the morning after pill? 7)Is your health your private business and no one else’s? Do you have a duty to tell others if you have a sexually transmitted disease? 8)How is the humanist view on this issue similar or different to that of other worldviews you have come across? 9)How are you deciding your answers to these questions? What principles and arguments influence your answers? Questions for discussion Understanding Humanism 39 Moreland Street London EC1V 8BB British Humanist Association (registered charity ) ©2015