Welcome to Westover September 11, 2016
That’s Why We Praise Him He came to live, live a perfect life. He came to be the living Word, our light. He came to live, live a perfect life. He came to be the living Word, our light.
He came to die so we’d be reconciled. He came to rise to show His power and might! He came to die so we’d be reconciled. He came to rise to show His power and might!
That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything. That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything.
That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything, ‘cause He gave His everything, That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything, ‘cause He gave His everything,
He came to live, live again in us. He came to be our conquering King and Friend. He came to live, live again in us. He came to be our conquering King and Friend.
He came to heal and show the lost ones His love. He came to go prepare a place for us. He came to heal and show the lost ones His love. He came to go prepare a place for us.
That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything. That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything.
That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything. That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything.
Halle, Hallelujah!
That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything. That’s why we praise Him that’s why we sing. That’s why we offer Him our everything.
That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything, ‘cause He gave His everything, That’s why we bow down and worship this King, ‘cause He gave His everything, ‘cause He gave His everything, That’s Why We Praise Him © 1999 We Mobil Music (Admin by Doulos Pub. c/o The Copyright Co. Words & Music by Tommy Walker CCLI # That’s Why We Praise Him © 1999 We Mobil Music (Admin by Doulos Pub. c/o The Copyright Co. Words & Music by Tommy Walker CCLI # 56321
Welcome (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Video Announcements
Great Is Thy Faithfulness 57 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee; Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; as Thou has been Thou forever will be. 57
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; 57
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 57
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, sun, moon, and stars in their courses above 57
Join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. 57
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; 57
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 57
Had It Not Been the Lord Had It Not been the Lord who was on our side, had it not been the Lord who was on our side, Had It Not been the Lord who was on our side, had it not been the Lord who was on our side,
The anger of the enemy would have swallowed us alive had it not been the Lord who was on our side.
Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up. Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love.
The snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, blessed be the Lord.
Had it not been the Lord who was on our side, had it not been the Lord who was on our side,
The water would have engulfed us, we would have surely died; had it not been the Lord who was on our side.
Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up. Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love. The snare is broken and we have escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord, Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up. Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love.
The snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, our help is in the name of the Lord, blessed be the Lord. Had It Not Been the Lord Who was On Our Side © 1998 Debbie Dorman Words and Music by Debbie Dorman CCLI # Had It Not Been the Lord Who was On Our Side © 1998 Debbie Dorman Words and Music by Debbie Dorman CCLI # 56321
Sharing the Bread & Cup
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 276 Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. 276
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, 276
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus © 1972 by Singspiration Music/ASCAP Words and Music by Helen H. Lemmel CCLI# Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus © 1972 by Singspiration Music/ASCAP Words and Music by Helen H. Lemmel CCLI#
What Can I Do? When I see the beauty of a sunset’s glory; amazing artistry across the evening sky, When I see the beauty of a sunset’s glory; amazing artistry across the evening sky,
When I feel the mystery of a distant galaxy, it awes and humbles me to be loved by a God so high.
What can I do but thank You; what can I do but give my life to You? Hallelujah, hallelujah;
What can I do but praise You; every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah, hallelujah.
When I hear the story of a God of mercy who shared humanity and suffered by our side,
Of the cross they nailed You to, that could not hold You; no You’re making all things new, by the power of Your risen life.
What can I do but thank You; what can I do but give my life to You? Hallelujah, hallelujah;
What can I do but praise You; every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah.
What can I do but thank You; what can I do but give my life to You? Hallelujah, hallelujah;
What can I do but praise You; every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah, hallelujah.
Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way
Video Bumper
Sermon Luke
Days of Elijah These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord; and these are the days of Your servant Moses, These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord; and these are the days of Your servant Moses,
Righteousness being restored. And these are the days of great trials, of famine and darkness and sword;
Still we are the voice in the desert crying, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”
Behold He comes riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee, and out of Zion’s Hill salvation comes.
These are the days of Ezekiel, the dry bones becoming as flesh; and these are the days of Your servant, David,
Rebuilding a temple of praise. And these are the days of the harvest, the fields are as white in Your world,
And we are the laborers in Your vineyard declaring the Word of the Lord.
Behold He comes riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee, and out of Zion’s Hill salvation comes.
There’s no God like Jehovah. There’s no God like Jehovah. There’s no God like Jehovah…
Behold He comes riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee, and out of Zion’s Hill salvation comes.
Behold He comes riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee, and out of Zion’s Hill salvation comes… Days of Elijah © 1996 by Dayspring Music (admin b Integrity’s Hosanna Music) Words and Music by Robin Mark CCLI# Days of Elijah © 1996 by Dayspring Music (admin b Integrity’s Hosanna Music) Words and Music by Robin Mark CCLI# 56321
Closing Remarks Luke