{ The Civil Rights Movement Splits Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of the fracturing of the Civil Rights Movement?
The March Against Fear Organized by James Meredith Encourage Af-Am to register to vote Shot by a sniper
MLK Jr. and Stokely Carmichael stepped in to complete the march MLK scolded Carmichael when he prepared to retaliate against the police Division of call and response chant “What do we want?” “Freedom Now” “Black Power!” The March Against Fear cont.
Stokely Carmichael
The Watts Riot 70% of Af-Am lived in urban areas Ghettos Job discrimination Housing discrimination 6 days long 34 killed 900 injured 4,000 arrested 45 million dollars of property damage
“Social and economic conditions in the riot cities constituted a clear pattern of severe disadvantage for Negroes compared with whites... Negroes had completed fewer years of education and fewer had attended high school. Negroes were twice as likely to be unemployed... and were more than twice as likely to be living in poverty. Although housing cost Negroes relatively more, they had worse housing—three times as likely to be overcrowded and substandard.” Kerner Commission Findings
Malcolm X Advocates Black Nationalism Malcolm Little While in prison he was introduced to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad Leader of Nation of Islam Whites tricked blacks Joined Nation of Islam and becomes Malcolm X Promoted Black Nationalism Rejection of non-violence Departure from Nation of Islam and assassination
Black Panther Party Huey Newton and Bobby Seale 1966 Oakland, CA Demands: Jobs, decent housing, education Free breakfast program, health clinics Carefully watched interactions between Af-Am and police Trouble w/ FBI