Southern Huntingdon County Title 1 Annual Meeting October 20, 2014
Agenda What is Title 1? How is my child selected? School Performance Profile SPP District and school requirements Review compacts and parent policies Monitoring Author Visit- Lee Harper
What is Title I? Title I is one program that provides funds from the federal government to improve student learning.
What is Title 1? Largest federal assistance program for public schools. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 NCLB mentions parents over 300 times.
Goal of Title 1 To provide extra help to students who need it the most. Helps students work toward meeting the standards set by Pennsylvania Department of Education.
How was my child identified as needing reading support? The Southern Huntingdon County School District utilizes a variety of data to determine which students will be offered Title 1 support. Data includes some of the following: DIBELS – gr. K-2 PSSA Reading – gr. 3-5 GRADE achievement test scores Teacher input
Leveled Literacy Intervention The Title 1 teachers in Southern Huntingdon use LLI, a researched based program. LLI lessons involve reading leveled text, word work and writing. The goal of LLI is to help students advance through the guided reading levels until the student reaches recommended grade level.
No Child Left Behind No Child Left Behind is a federal education law that was passed in It requires states to determine academic standards for all K-12 students and for every public school to demonstrate academic achievement in order to receive federal funds.
No Child Left Behind Each school and school district are measured by how well students are progressing toward and meeting Common Core standards. All students are required to make progress as measured by state tests (such as the PSSA in Pennsylvania ). A “report card” is published annually describing the progress of each school.
School Performance Profile In 2013 Pennsylvania began identifying schools as priority, focus or reward. Prior to that districts were identified as making Annual Yearly Progress ( AYP)or not. Results (unofficial) Spring Farms 88.2 Rockhill 86.0 Shade Gap 81.2 This is great news for our schools! 20 point gain.
Accountability Shade Gap currently is designated as a focus school. Received a School Intervention Grant Hired extra teacher New math materials Professional development New designations will be given for 16-17
Monitoring District’s federal programs are monitored every three years. This monitoring includes a pre-visit survey completed by the district as well as an on site visit. Programs being monitored are Title I and Title II. We will be monitored in the spring. We will be contacting parents to be involved in the on site visit. See your Title 1 teacher if you are willing to be interviewed.
Why does our school receive Title I funding? Schools in which 35% or more of students are from low-income families may receive Title I funding. *Please complete census forms and free lunch forms.
Parent Involvement Thirty years of research has shown that students whose parents are involved have: higher achievement in reading better attendance positive attitude toward school better behavior higher test scores higher graduation rates
District and School Level Parent Involvement Requirements Annual meeting is required Parents must be notified that their child will participate in Title I Parent/ Teacher Conferences School-Parent Compacts Notify parents of resources available to them. Parent workshops Information in language parents understand
Compact Title I schools must have a written statement, signed by all parties, listing specific duties of school staff, parents, and students. The compact tells parents what you can do to support your child’s academic progress.
Parent Involvement Policy & Plan Each Title I school must develop a written policy describing how the school will support the important role of parents in their child’s learning. These policies will be reviewed yearly at annual meeting. Parents are involved in the development of the policies
Teacher Qualifications All teachers and paraprofessionals in Title I schools must meet requirements to be “highly qualified.” Parents of students in Title I schools have the right to know the professional qualifications of staff working with their child.
Complaint Procedure Anyone who believes that a school is in violation of any part of the No Child Left Behind law may notify: Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of Federal Programs 333 Market Street 7 th floor Harrisburg, Pa (717)
Illustrator/Author Lee Harper