Back to school 3 rd grade
Welcome Introductions Mr. Sanchez I have thought kinder,1 st, 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th I Graduated from Biola and Grand Canyon University I have two kids, both Mulberry students
3rd Grade Daily Schedule Rough Draft 8:15 – 8:30Opening 8:30 – 9:30math 9: :30 Language Arts 10:35 – 10:55Recess 11:00 – 12:00Workshops/guided reading
3rd Grade Daily Schedule 12:00 – 12:40Lunch 12:40-1:30ELD/ALD 1:30-2:30Science/Technology/Social studies
The first month matters… Poor attendance in the first month of school can predict chronic absence for the entire year. Chronic absenteeism can make it harder to learn to read and students can still fall behind if they miss a day or two every few weeks.
Attendance: Key to School Success Some absences are unavoidable. The important thing is to get your child to school on time as often as possible. You were provided a handout, What You Should Know About Attendance, in your first day of school packet that provides valuable information regarding our District attendance policy and intervention programs. This information is also included in our Annual Notification to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) that can be found on our District website
Classroom Discipline Plan Simply stated, I expect the best from all my students in both academics and behavior. When students are in need of discipline, we will go over our Mulberry Character Pledge.
There are six traits: Trustworthy Respectful Responsibility Fair Caring Good Citizenship
Recess Right clothing Right nutrition Proper behavior Red slips
School Supplies Yes Pencils everyday Backpack every Homework/planner/folder Crayons, scissors, glue, markers (opt.)
Let’s not Stress Basics first Always read 20-30minutes Math page Work not done in class Homework
Students will continue using Envision Math as a text to further explore the Common Core Math Standards. This will include: number sense with an emphasis on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and ………. geometry & measurements Math
Mathematics algebra concepts data & graphing problem solving multiplication and division facts (1-9) need to be memorized Assessments
Students are expected to grow their reading skills and ability to understand By reading 30 min (practice) Reading at their level (practice) Taking AR quizzes weekly (accountability) Reading
I know that some students will want to share their birthday with the class. To avoid any serious complications with food allergies, let’s keep it simple, no food please. Birthdays
Grading √ + = Excellent √ = Good/ Satisfactory √ - = Needs Improvement I = Incomplete/Not your best
Grading Test A= % B= 89-80% C= 79-70% D= 69-60% F= 59%-below
Assessments Assessments in both Language Arts and Math will be given throughout the year. These tests target Common Core state standards which will help us identify areas of strength and areas that need to be reviewed both at school and home. Once these tests have been reviewed in class they will be sent home for you to review, sign, and return.
Donations Kleenex boxes Lysol/Clorox wipes Dry erase markers Box of pencils
Donations white copy paper
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Thank you for your time I am hoping for an Exciting school year!