Alternative Provision Academies “Outstanding use of the Pupil Premium through Data Driven Inclusion” Seamus Oates Executive Headteacher TBAP Trust
Bridge Photo in here as per previous slide
The TBAP Context How we measure impact How we have used the funding How we have improved outcomes and how do we know? What next? How we plan to become more effective?.
Personalised Interventions 9 sites Primary and Secondary AP Academies Context Outstanding 375+ learners KS1-4 School Based Outreach Respite and Managed Interventions AP Quality Assurance
Primary and Secondary AP Academies 9 sites The Learners Early Intervention No School Place Managed Moves EHCP / Statement SMEH EHCP / Statement SMEH Permanent Exclusion
The Offer
36% KS3 Reintegration 97% Accreditation 95% Destinations: College Apprenticeships Work Outcomes GCSE passes possible GCSEs APS 170 (81.9) 93% GCSE pass rate 64 learners with at least 1 GCSE 35 learners with 5 or more GCSE’s 53 learners with an English GCSE 41 learners with a Maths GCSE 35 learners with a science GCSE 29 learners with an ICT GCSE 5 or more GCSE’s 49% (24.4 )
The Priorities
Any Questions ? Ofsted Said
The Learners Say…
TBAP – SDP, PM, Monitoring, CPD Local Advisory Body Staffing TBAP staff model, Local Leadership teams TBAP T& C’s Behaviour Management TBAP Behaviour for learning systems TBAP reward and achievement TBAP therapeutic and LSP interventions Achievement TBAP induction and assessment cycle Review and change of curriculum offer How we measure impact ?
Induction o Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) o Fisher Family Trust (FFT) o Pupil Attitude to Self and School (PASS) o Special Needs Assessment (SNAP A) o Reading Age o Spelling Age o Maths Baseline o Attitudes Behaviour and Learning (ABL) Single Point of contact Family Interview 1 week assessment Baseline established Single Point of contact Family Interview 1 week assessment Baseline established
Communications Diarised Formal and informal Use all available channels Learner Voice Diarised Formal and informal Use all available channels Learner Voice o Structured Conversations o Postcards o Phone Calls o Reports o Text o Web o Twitter o Tell the story...
Priority 3 Behaviour and Safety Ensuring safe and stimulating learning environments across TBAP and using robust systems of behaviour and pastoral support to deliver effective well being for all.
How we have used the funding – Bridge AP Academy Curriculum provision – Increased time allocation to core subject areas Recruitment of highly qualified and experienced staff Restructure of support staff Specialist Leaders in Education Literacy, Reading and Numeracy interventions (Lexia, Guided reading, Manga High, Wordshark) First Story Creative Writing Project, includes workshops at Oxford University Handwriting Intervention Team Building Residential – Key Stage 3 Academic Residential – Key Stage 4 Academic mentoring – Key Stage 4 Revision Weeks Access to online resources & Tutorials Therapeutic Intervention Strategy for Success o After school and Saturday classes + treats o Residentials - Jamie's Farm o Exam preparation o Taxis (if needed) Muse Gallery exhibitions - annual event Trips to anywhere (within reason) which takes them out of their physical and often very confined comfort zones, e.g. zoo, Hampstead Heath Gym equipment (sly move) Tea and Biscuits - Thursday afternoons (stroke of genius) How we have used the funding – Latimer AP Academy Strategy for Success: After school and Saturday classes + treats Residentials - Jamie's Farm Exam preparation Taxis (if needed) Muse Gallery exhibitions - an annual event Trips to anywhere (within reason) which takes them out of their physical, and often very confined, comfort zones, e.g. zoo, Hampstead Heath Gym equipment Tea and Biscuits - Thursday afternoons
How we have improved learner outcomes and how we know that Improved reading ages Reduction in behaviours Increase in achievements Increased confidence and self esteem Improved EKS results – KS3 & KS4 – compared to predictions Forensic analysis of data – By department, Year Team leaders, and Senior leadership team. (Behaviour, achievement, attendance, progress by year, gender etc) Raising Standards Team Meetings Group Performance5 A*-G5 A*-C FSM15 / 65%1 / 4% Pupil Premium15 / 63%1 / 4% Statement5 / 63%0 LAC2 / 66%0 EAL2 / 66%0 Boys10 / 50%1 / 5% Girls6 / 75%0
Latimer AP Academy In 2014 all leavers were entitled to Pupil Premium. LAPA highest APS score in Inner London 2013
Know the learners Induction Robust Systems Share the data Target Interventions Structured Conversations Waved Interventions Remodel LSP’s Academic Mentoring Therapeutic Interventions Review and Refine Celebrate Achievement Web Twitter Assemblies Phone Calls Awards Alumni Press “A very large majority of learners attract the additional funding of the pupil premium. They make outstanding progress from starting points, much better than that found nationally. “ Ofsted 2013 “Pupil Premium has focused our model of data driven inclusion” Review every 6 weeks IEP current and alive Share the data
Individual Projects 100% of Y11 learners achieve accreditation. 85% of Y11 learners achieve 5 or more GCSEs (A-G) or equivalents. 20% of Y11 students achieve 5 or more GCSEs (Grades A*-C) 100% of Y11 leavers move into EET. 100% of Y11 learners achieve accreditation. 85% of Y11 learners achieve 5 or more GCSEs (A-G) or equivalents. 20% of Y11 students achieve 5 or more GCSEs (Grades A*-C) 100% of Y11 leavers move into EET. Recognising Talent SLE’s Share Model of Intervention across TBAP Research and Development
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