7 Tips for Workplace Eye Safety
1. Check fit and appropriateness Over 90% of eye injuries that occurred while workers were wearing eye protection were a result of particles or chemicals that entered around or under the protective shield. Need side shields? Faceshield? Closed goggles? Does safety eyewear over prescription eyeglasses provide complete coverage?
2. Provide anti fog Organizations that include a discussion of fogging in PPE safety resources The National Institute of Occupational Safety Health The Center for Construction Research The Vision Council Prevent Blindness America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Lombardi, David A., Verma, Santosh K., Brennan, Melanye J., and Perry, Melissa J., Factors influencing worker use of personal protective eyewear Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2009) JODI
3. Easy Access Accessibility was suggested by more than 80% of workers Is the supply room always open? Bins by all doors? Especially in work environments where PPE isn’t needed fulltime and may get put aside Workers perceived lower risk when tasks were brief, more likely to ignore PPE Have eyewear stations in all critical areas, plus Straps Lanyards Cases Lombardi, David A., Verma, Santosh K., Brennan, Melanye J., and Perry, Melissa J., Factors influencing worker use of personal protective eyewear Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2009)
4. Don’t let cheap eyewear cost you 85% of focus groups named scratching as a barrier to PPE compliance. Low-quality plastic is more susceptible to dust, particles or simply cleaning Spending a little more for quality safety glasses can be a safety plus Lombardi, David A., Verma, Santosh K., Brennan, Melanye J., and Perry, Melissa J., Factors influencing worker use of personal protective eyewear Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2009)
5. Offer multiple styles Research participants recommended improving comfort and fit to increase PPE Different length or curve of earpieces Fit of the nosepiece Frame width Real world: Large southwest U.S. utility tells us they provide a dozen eyewear styles Lombardi, David A., Verma, Santosh K., Brennan, Melanye J., and Perry, Melissa J., Factors influencing worker use of personal protective eyewear Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2009)
6. Use older workers as mentors Older, more experienced workers are more likely to wear protective eyewear They have the experience to know/see the dangers and develop the correct habits Newer, younger workers may more readily accept advice, reminders from them Don’t send mixed messages Supervisors must model the same behavior EVERY time Visitors must abide by PPE rules Lombardi, David A., Verma, Santosh K., Brennan, Melanye J., and Perry, Melissa J., Factors influencing worker use of personal protective eyewear Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2009)
7. Regular training works Train all new employees Have refresher courses Use posters, newsletter items, etc., to reinforce the message Train as you go: Catch workers doing right Correct workers who need reminders Need training resources?