Mrs. Brooks La Paz Intermediate Math 7 & Math 7 Honors
A Little Bit About me: I graduated from UCSB with a degree in Business Economics with an emphasis in accounting. I have two teaching credentials: - A Single Subject Math Credential from Cal State Fullerton. - A Multiple Subject Credential from UCI I have been teaching for 18 years.
Important Numbers and Info (the BEST way to contact me) If you are registered on the parent portal, you will be able to check new uploaded grades. Check my WEB PAGE for everything!! HW, updates, Back to School Night Presentation, and classroom syllabus. Website: Grades Online: parent portal, enter password -
Curriculum Common Core Standards See La Paz Website PBS RESPECT, READINESS, RESPONSIBILITY and Integrity. Integrity. Crew Expectations- all Crew Expectations- all students will follow the 3 R’s Consequences: Consequences: 1. Warning 1. Warning 2. (MIR) Student conference and/or parent contact 2. (MIR) Student conference and/or parent contact 3. Administrative referral 3. Administrative referral Text Books *Stay at home and are turned in at the end of the year. Tutorial *30 minute period a day Tuesday – Friday. Students may work on homework, make up quizzes or tests, get extra help in any subject or make up assignments due to an absence.
Materials Needed Students are expected to bring these materials to class everyday. *School Planner *Reading book*A Blue or Black Pen *Sharpened Pencils (at least 2) * Dry Erase Marker *Red correcting pen/pencil (at least 2) *Math Notebook –70 page spiral bound notebook. *Math folder - to keep papers in. Please let me know if you need supplies to be given to your student because of financial hardship. Thank you to those who have donated Classroom supplies!!
Grading: Math 7 Homework: is assigned every night Monday-Friday. Classroom work: in-class assignments and tasks. Late work: only accepted during the current unit for partial credit, must attend tutorial. Homework/Classroom work: 30% Tests(40%)/Quizzes (30%) Most Important! Students should be understanding each night’s assignment so they don’t fall behind. The night before a quiz or test, students need to read over all notes and examples. Go over PRACTICE Quizzes or Tests.
Grading: Math 7 Honors Homework: is assigned every night Monday-Friday. Classroom work: in-class assignments and tasks. Late work: only accepted during the current unit for partial credit, must attend tutorial. Homework/Classroom work: 20% Tests(50%)/Quizzes (30%) Most Important! Students should be understanding each night’s assignment so they don’t fall behind. The night before a quiz or test, students need to read over all notes and examples. Go over PRACTICE Quizzes or Tests.
Math 7 Math 8 New Standards Rigorous coarse and pacing Deeper understanding 9 th grade- Algebra 1 7 th Grade8 th Grade
Math 7 Honors Algebra 1 Math 8 NEW standards Grade of 85% or higher Academic Maturity Doesn’t meet both of the above. 7 th Grade8 th Grade