Connecting the project to Other State and National Efforts Pat Averbeck Edmonds Community College Helen Burn Highline Community College For More Information, Contact: Pat Averbeck Helen Burn x3496
Pop Quiz 2-year colleges teach what % of all postsecondary math? 46% Of the math courses at 2-year colleges, what % are Developmental Math? 57% From , higher ed enrollment increased 14%, Dev. Math enrollment increased %? 21% Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, 2005
Pop Quiz What % of entering CC students strong agreed with the statement: “I have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college?” 68% What % of entering CC students earning college credit during their first term persist to the second term? 74% Survey of Entering Student Engagement, 2008
Pop Quiz What % of entering CC students are underprepared for college level courses? 64% Achieving the Dream colleges had what % of Dev. Math students completing their Dev. Math sequence? 31% Survey of Entering Student Engagement, 2008
Pop Quiz: Tie Breaker What % of CC students reported of never participating in a required study group outside of class? 85% What % of CC students said they never discussed ideas from readings or assignments with instructors outside of class? 71% What % of full-time CC students spend between 1 and 10 hours preparing for classes per week? 66% CC Survey of Student Engagement, 2009
Want to know how this feels? Teach Math at a Two-Year College