The Missouri Compromise
The Controversy Missouri was a slave territory and it would throw off the balance between the slave states and free states in the Senate.
The Compromise Proposed by Henry Clay Maine would also enter the Union as a free state. Missouri would enter as a slave state. Balance would be kept in the Senate. Slavery would be prohibited (banned) north of the 36 ◦ 30’ line, for any other territory.
The Compromise of s-Nabraska%20Act%20Meagan%20Staffiere/kansas- nebraska%20dbq%20documents_files/image001.jpg
The Controversy California wanted to enter the Union as a free state, throwing off the balance of power.
The Compromise Proposed by Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser) California would enter as a free state. Organized New Mexico and Utah as territories with popular sovereignty Paid Texas for giving up part of New Mexico Ended the slave trade, but not slavery in the District of Columbia Passage of strict federal law enforcing the return of fugitive slaves.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act Nabraska%20Act%20Meagan%20Staffiere/kansas-nebraska%20dbq%20documents_files/image001.jpg
The Controversy Northern leaders wanted to run the transcontinental railroad through northern states
The Act Proposed by Stephen Douglas Set up Territorial governments in the Nebraska Territory Proposed dividing the region into two territories: Nebraska and Kansas Each territory would decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty
Southern leaders supported the idea: believing slavery in Missouri would spread into Kansas Northerners became outraged…Popular Sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska cancelled the Missouri Compromise. Opened the possibility of new slave states in the west… where slavery had been banned for 34 years
Looking at all three maps, what are some conclusions that can be drawn about the changes in the United States during this 34 year period?