Warrior JROTC Uniform Policy: Wear & Appearance 24 August 2015
Define wear criteria and standards for Warrior Cadets. Provide graphic examples, when possible, of proper appearance or wear. Outline specific requirements. Provide both Cadets and parents with the right answers when not in school. Clarify the final judge on uniform wear and appearance – the instructors. Purpose
Beret (Gray): Wear
Beret (Gray): Wear (c)
Facial Hair (Shave): Males □Suggestion: Keep the sideburn length to the middle of the ear opening to stay safe □Shave: The face will be clean-shaven except for the provisions for mustaches or sideburns noted above. Other facial hair growth of any kind (5 o’clock shadow or peach fuzz) violates the standard.
Sideburns are hair grown in front of the ear and below the point where the top portion of the ear attaches to the head Sideburns will not extend below the bottom of the ear opening Sideburns will not be styled to taper, flair, or come to a point The length of the individual hairs of the sideburn will not exceed 1/8 inch when fully extended Suggestion: Keep the sideburn length to the middle of the ear opening to stay safe. Sideburns
Sideburns: Unauthorized
Male Cadets: Appearance: Neat, clean, and trimmed Length: The nail length will not extend beyond the tip of all fingers Polish: Not authorized Female Cadets: Appearance: Neat, clean, and trimmed Length: The nail length will not exceed ¼ inch past the tip of all fingers Polish: May only wear clear nail polish in all uniforms Clear acrylic nails are authorized females, provided they have a natural appearance and conform to standards listed above Fingernails
Appearance: Neat, clean, and properly groomed. Beret: Hair cannot interfere with its normal wear. Large berets will not be issued to accommodate hair styles. Color: Must be one of four natural colors – blond, red, brown, or black. No neon or fluorescent colors. Length (cut): Cannot touch the collar, ears, or eyebrows. Tapered in appearance on the sides & back (no block cuts). Cut must generally conform to the shape of the head. Uniform cut overall with no asymmetrical cut or excessive length (hair may not be pinned or folded to reduce length). No lines or designs cut in the hair or scalp. See the “Facial Hair (Shave): Males” slide for a general example of an appropriate haircut. Styles: Many are acceptable as long as they are neat and conservative. Hair: Male Cadets
Appearance: Neat, clean, well kempt, and properly groomed. Beret: Hair cannot interfere with its normal wear. Large berets will not be issued to accommodate hair styles. Color: Must be one of four natural colors – blond, red, brown, or black. No neon or fluorescent colors. Applied colors or tints must be natural to human hair and not present an extreme appearance. Hair-Holding Items (barrettes, pins, or clips): Must be transparent or the same color as the Cadet’s hair. Length: Three examples provided. Ornamentation (beads, etc..): Not authorized. Styles: Many are acceptable as long as they are neat and conservative. Hair: Female Cadets
Hair (Female): Short-Hair Length
Hair (Female): Medium-Hair Length
Hair (Female): Long-Hair Length
Defined as hair rolled (not twisted using two strands) or braided closely to the scalp producing a continuous, raised row of hair Cornrows must be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approximately1/4 inch), show no more than 1/8 inch of scalp between the cornrows Must be tightly rolled or braided to present a neat, professional, well-groomed appearance Cornrows must start at the front of the head and continue in one direction in a straight line and end at a consistent location of the head Only one cornrow style (braided or rolled) may be worn at one time Hair (Female): Cornrows
Hair (Female): Dreadlocks
Twists: Defined as twisting two distinct strands of hair around one another to create a twisted rope-like appearance Although some twists may be temporary (can be easily untwisted), they are unauthorized This includes twists formed against the scalp or worn in a free-hanging style Dreadlocks: Defined as any or locked coils or ropes of hair (or extensions) Any style of dreadlock (against the scalp or free- hanging) are not authorized Hair (Female): Twists & Dreadlocks
Bracelets: Only a medical warning type may be worn. Ear Rings: Male Cadets: Not authorized while in uniform. Female Cadet: None worn or two with only one, small, stud-type ear ring per ear through the center of the lobe. Size: 5 mm or smaller, & conservative in appearance. Necklaces: May not be visible when worn. Rings: A maximum of one per hand. Watch: One may be worn but its color will not clash with the uniform (i.e. a bright white watch). Jewelry
Guidance: Prohibited on areas that will be exposed while in the Class A uniform (face, neck, or hands). Restrictions: Extremist tattoos or brands are those affiliated with, depicting, or symbolizing extremist philosophies, organizations, or activities. Indecent tattoos or brands are those that are grossly offensive to modesty, decency, propriety or professionalism. Sexist tattoos or brands are those that advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on gender but may not meet the same definition of “indecent.” Racist tattoos or brands are those that advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on race, ethnicity, or national origin. Tattoos
Uniform Wear Awards: No medals worn except when authorized by the SAI for special occasions. Awards: Ribbon wear is not optional on the Class A uniform. Headgear: Worn when outdoors. Nametag: Worn centered between the top of the pocket and the top of the button on the right breast pocket. Centered from left to right. Representation: Wear it with pride as you represent not just yourself, but also your family, school, and community.
Uniform Wear Beret: Clean, shaved, and formed to Cadet’s head. Class B: All normal items, but will not wear cords, ribbons, star, tabs, or wreaths. Will only wear the nametag & shoulder boards (rank). Lapel Brass: Male: Align through the notch on the lapel & parallel to the inside edge. Female: Center on the lapel (from left to right). All-else applies. Nametag: Worn centered between the top of the pocket and the top of the button on the right breast pocket. Centered from left to right.