Objective: 9.MEH.1.4 Summarize the principles of healthy dating
Read and Reflect #8 Scholar: What is dating? In your opinion how old should you be before you start dating? What is healthy dating? What is Unhealthy dating? Why would you want to be in a healthful relationship? What is Dating violence and how does it affect teens today? How can we put a stop to teen dating violence?
Video Clip Blabberize What occurred in the video Why is good communication healthy to have in a dating/relationship? What expectations (using communication) should you convey to your dating partner?
Review What are three things that are needed in good communication? 1. self-disclosure: sharing of feeling, thoughts, and ideas. 2. Listening: respect, genuine, non-judgmental, not critical, warmth, empathy) 3. Feedback: Positive and appropriate response.
Review How much of communication is verbal? Non-verbal? 65% non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, body language 35% Verbal
Today’s Lesson We will be discussing qualities of healthy dating/relationships. By the end of the lesson you will be able to describe a healthy relationship and recognize behaviors that me be considered unhealthy. You will understand the definition of dating violence?
Story time Listen to the story….and answer the following questions. Can abusive relationships happen in teen relationships? Yes or no? How? What was unhealthy about this relationship? Did the author stay in the relationship? Why?
Dating Dating can be rewarding and fun. In order to get the most out of a dating experience you need to learn how to use effective communication to convey expectations to your dating partners. Students should know about their own desires and qualities that make a relationship healthy.
Healthy relationship if you're a bird, I'm a bird
Healthy Qualities When in a relationship a person self esteem, and self worth is heightened. One should never feel less due to a relationship. Communication: both sides can share their feelings, listen, respect each other, and never use physical or emotional abuse when communicating. Honesty and openness; you should be able to fully be yourself. Respect: should value the other with genuine care.
Dating Violence Is defined as a threat or act of violence against one member of dating relationship by the other member of the relationship.
Examples of Dating Violence Lying Making all the decisions Telling you how to dress or what to do or who to hang out with Pressure you to have sex Pressure you to Drink or take drugs Loses temper often No respect towards you Blames you Pushed/hurts/hits you in any way that hurts you Having you feel afraid
Who and What dating violence does Affects teens Both genders All ethnic groups Can lower self esteem Involve you in alcohol or drugs Engage you in risky sexual behavior
Unhealthy relationship shallow boyfriend
Why might someone who is an unhealthy relationship stay in that relationship?
Reasons May confuse jealousy and possessiveness with love The attention is better than no attention May be afraid the abuser will hurt them more if they try and leave May think it is okay to be treated this way (may not know the difference in an unhealthy/healthy relationship)
Where can someone in an abusive relationship seek help?
Help Resources Teachers Parents Guidance counselors Coach Family Community Local domestic violence agency friend
Video Clips Teen dating violence Teen dating Violence 2
Grab Bag Students will pick a piece of paper out of the bag and state if the word on the paper is healthy or unhealthy.
T-shirt Project On the t-shirt worksheet given you will create a t-shirt with the qualities of a healthy relationship. Use the rubric so you know how you will be graded! Below the t-shirt on the same page write in the unhealthy qualities in a relationship.