1. Read your independent reader. 2. Open the chalkboard app on the iPad. 3. Write your name in the top right hand corner of chalkboard. 4. Create your summary including the criteria below. 5. When you are finished, take a picture and save to the camera roll. Summary Checklist: ____ Use somebody, wanted, but, so, then, format ____ use key details from story This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will summarize a text using key details from the text. Summarize Text
Summarize a Text This task uses:. Learning Objective(s): The student will summarize a text citing key details from the text. 1. Read your independent reader. 2.Open the Write About This on the ipad. 3.Click on the Quick Write tab. 3.Write your name in the top right hand corner of the paper 4.Create your summary including the criteria below. 5.Add audio to your story using record audio. 6. Export story and save to the camera roll. Summary Checklist: ____ Use somebody, wanted, but, so, then, format ____ use key details from story
Summarize a text 1.Read your independent reader 2.Open Google docs on computer desktop and type the summary of your story using checklist 3.Check your summary for spelling, punctuation, and grammar using tools. 4.Print your story. 5.Open Shadow puppet app. 6.Select create new. 7.Select pictures from camera roll you would like to use as you record the summary of your story 8.Record your summary giving student number 1 st 9.Open in “copy to iMovie” 10.Save Summary Checklist: ____ Use somebody, wanted, but, so, then, format ____ use key details from story This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will summarize a text using key details from the text.
Summarize a text. Read your independent reader Open Book Creator App on iPad Open new book using the + You can add pictures, text, audio, and writing to each page. Check your summary for spelling, punctuation, and grammar use tools. To Save click on Save as ibook The students will share their stories with students in lower grades Summary Checklist: ____ Use somebody, wanted, but, so, then, format ____ use key details from story This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will summarize a text using key details from the text.