Agenda ● Welcome ● Ms. Virani ● Class Objectives ● Class Units ● Class Expectations ● Material and Supplies ● Grading and Late/Make up Policy ● Academic Dishonesty ● Equipment and Computer Use AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1
WELCOME AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Welcome to Audio/Video Production 1, an introduction into the art of making digital videos. This class will focus on developing and producing various programs starting with Pre-production planning, production capturing video and audio and post- production editing and exporting to final video. Throughout the course, students will learn through hands ‐ on projects while using state of the art equipment and software. The course uses the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. Students will use Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, Photoshop, After Effects and Audition to craft their projects from concept to completion. On completion of the course, students will be fluent in digital video.
CLASS OBJECTIVES AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 At the completion of this class the student will be able… To list and describe the three stages of audio/video production To operate multiple pieces of equipment properly in audio/video production To produce and direct quality video productions with a realistic understanding To function in a crew position contributing as a team member to the completion of projects. To engage in critical self-evaluation as it applies to one’s work on one’s own project as well as one’s work on other projects.
CLASS UNITS AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Unit One: The Media Industry Unit Two: Pre-Production Unit Three: Equipment Safety/ Management and Production Unit Four: Post-Production Unit Five: Video Projects This class is divided into 5 units.
EXPECTATIONS AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Practice the three P’s Punctuality, Professionalism and Positivity Cellphone use is prohibited Complete and turn in all assignments on time. Always do you your best Respect yourself and others Follow all policies and procedures set by Kingwood High School and Humble Independent School District.
MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Supplies Study Material This class is a hands on activity class and since there is no books resources provided on the teachers site will be available for extra practice or tutorials. Course Fee of $20 Composition Book Folder SD Card (Class 10, 8gb or higher) Flash drive/hard drive (recommended to store projects)
GRADING AND LATE WORK POLICY AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Late Work Policy All work that is submitted after its due date will be scored according to H.I.S.D Policy as stated below. Grading Policy Tests/Daily/Projects: Grades are weighed equally 1 Day Late = minus 20 2 Days Late = minus 40 3 Days Late = minus 60 4 Days Late = minus 80 5 Days Late = no credit
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Cheating and plagiarism is the direct copying of words or ideas from a published source. For instance, reference books, textbooks, Internet. Be original and have confidence in your own work and do your best. Plagiarism is illegal and not tolerated. Anyone caught plagiarizing or cheating will be given a zero (0) for the assignment, a discipline referral will be filed with your Principal, and a parent conference will be requested.
EQUIPMENT AND COMPUTER USE AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION 1 Students will be responsible for loss or damage of any video equipment. Improper use of video equipment will result in loss of equipment use privileges. Inappropriate use of the computer will result in loss of computer privileges. All group members are responsible for equipment checked out. Video Equipment Replacement Costs Equipment replacement costs vary depending on the type of equipment needing to be replaced. As stated above, students are responsible for the loss and damage of any video equipment. If you have any questions, please contact the teacher via or phone. Computer Violations Internet use without permission Any computer game E ‐ mail Social Media Platforms Internet video sites Downloading software or music