Bdale Garbee Open Source & Linux Chief Technologist
Who is Bdale? First contribution to Free Software circa 1979 HP/Agilent employee since 1986 HP Open Source & Linux Chief Technologist Contributor to Debian GNU/Linux since 1994, including service as Debian Project Leader (and briefly as Secretary!), early design of infrastructure, porting to several new architectures, maintaining many packages. Currently serve as chairman of the Debian Technical Committee. President, Software in the Public Interest Board member of the Linux Foundation Board member of the Consumer Electronics Linux Forum Founding member of Open Source for America High power model rocket and amateur satellite builder...
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Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (President of World's 12 th Largest Economy) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (President of Brazil)
9 June 1, 2009 “We now have a body of software accessible to everybody on earth so robust and so profound in its possibilities, that we are a few man months away from doing whatever it is that anyone wants to do with computers all the time.” Eben Moglen From a speech given at Harvard Law School
June 1, 2009 A Powerful Thought The question is no longer whether Free Software makes sense, but when and how best to use Free Software to pursue business objectives.
Community Development Model A key attribute of Linux and many Free Software applications is that they are developed and supported “by the community” What does that mean? −No one company in charge −A range of contributors with varied interests, abilities, and motivations
Freedom of Choice Users have flexibility in how they acquire support for open source technology Any user can become a developer, or pay someone to develop or support open source software on their behalf If “upstream” ever behaves unacceptably, developers have the power to “fork”
Impact of Community for Companies The emergence of Internet-enabled communities of developers and users, enabled by open access and standards, accelerated the development and adoption of Free Software in the PC industry Innovation often comes from surprising places, thanks to “the long tail of contribution” Companies must learn to productively participate as citizens in community development processes if they wish to benefit from open innovation
What (Debian) Developers Want Difficult to characterize, since we're all so different Some common elements −Scratching itches −Not working on a schedule −Collaboration / sharing Personal reputation
What Companies Like HP Need Revenue Growth Differentiation Corporate reputation
Revenue and Growth It's a business, not a hobby! Publicly traded companies must pursue profit Always ask yourself what the company expects to get in return for their involvement / support Expenses increase, revenue must grow to match Creating opportunities for employees
Differentiation Tech companies can't afford to compete only at delivering commodities. That drives low margins and won't fund further development and innovation! Want to add value that customers will pay for Traditional goal was control points, like patents How best to create affinity for products in an open source collaborative context?
Something to Agree On The goal, ultimately, is to deliver positive user experiences! As developers we want to do this because we want others to be able to use and benefit from our work As companies, it's how we motivate customers to want to give us their money!
HP's approach to open source Participate directly as open source community member −Support existing community values and behaviours −Develop robust enterprise capabilities Use existing open source licenses −HP has no need to create new license −GPLv2 and other licenses fine with us Work with Linux distributions and ISVs to deliver innovative and effective solutions for our customers New pic
20 11/19/2016 HP (combined with Compaq) has achieved: Over a decade of Linux market share leadership 1 $13.9B cumulative server revenues; 3.2M servers sold 78.3% more servers shipped than IBM 68.2% or $5.6B more revenue than IBM 42.8% more servers shipped than Dell Nearly double revenue of Dell (99.1%) Over 10.5 times more servers shipped than Sun HP #1 in HPC five consecutive years 2 1 Per IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, May 2009, HP (combined with Compaq) ranks #1 in WW Linux server factory revenue and unit shipments since Per IDC Worldwide Technical Server QView, 4Q2008 HP leadership and growth Track record at a glance HP (combined with Compaq) has achieved: Over a decade of Linux market share leadership 1 $13.9B cumulative server revenues; 3.2M servers sold 78.3% more servers shipped than IBM 68.2% or $5.6B more revenue than IBM 42.8% more servers shipped than Dell Nearly double revenue of Dell (99.1%) Over 10.5 times more servers shipped than Sun HP #1 in HPC five consecutive years 2
Why work with Debian? The inclusive, collaborative nature of the project Enabling new markets not well served by commercial distributions, like carrier-grade telco A high-quality source of bits for building embedded products around Linux A great platform for internal developers Customer demand!
Highlights of HP + Debian History First dedicated Debian server,, built by Bdale and hosted in an HP data center! Direct investment in ports to PARISC and IA-64 Sponsored legal work to allow crypto in US main Contribution of many servers over the years... Largest single financial sponsor of Debconf every year since Debconf 3 in Oslo! First (only?) major server vendor to support Debian
What matters to HP? Increasing shareholder value! End-user experiences Balance between what the company chooses to do, and what it expects others to do under contract... Challenges working with Debian −Debian isn't a company... marketing /support different −ISV portfolio? −Predictability −Kernel driver / firmware issues
Typically enterprise customers Cost not primary concern Want full set of features Want full, single-vendor support Want broad range of server support Application stacks Select verticals, startups, APJ Lowest cost a priority Need only a limited set of features Self-supporting with community resources Targeting 1P – 2P servers Network edge, cloud computing, HPC HP enables Linux distributions broadly Customer choice based on cost, support, & customization 24 11/19/ HP sells subscriptions & support Self-support with community resources and software
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead