Meg Tomayko 7 th period - APES CHAPARRAL
Characteristics Chaparrals are hot in the summer, averaging a temperature of 100°F, as well as being very dry during this time In the winter, this is when this biome gets the majority of its rain and the average temperature is around 50°F
Plants Plants in a chaparral aren’t very tall (no larger than 8 feet tall) but the roots that they have are very mighty The roots either go down deep into the ground or they cover the land
Animals Animals in chaparrals are a mix of what would be found in a grassland and in a desert Common animals found in these are coyotes, jack rabbits, mule deer, alligator lizards, horned toads, praying mantis, honey bees and ladybugs. Animals found in United States are different than what are in Europe goats, sheep, cattle, mouflon, horses, lynx, wild boar
Average Precipitation and Temps (sorry for the messy over lapping)
Areas a Chaparral is found When you head chaparral, think of the “wild west” California, the western part of South America, the Mediterranean, the western portion of Australia, and South Africa
Issue and Fixes Common problems in chaparrals include people taking animals and people starting fires Fires are mostly protected fired but some are accidentally started with no intent, so they become uncontrollable People suspected of starting fires will be punished
Sources "Biomes". The World Book Encyclopedia ed. mexico/united-states/usnm0375