No Teacher Left Behind Teachers need to learn about new technologies and strategies so no teacher is left behind. New skills like digital technology, collaboration, critical and creative thinking are needed for students to be prepared for the 21 st century. Teachers need to equip students with these skills.
Research Based Methodology Teachers need to learn about research based methods and teaching strategies. In order to have No teacher Left Behind, consistent learning opportunities for teachers need to be provided in the education programs provided by universities. Methods like differentiated instruction are important for teachers to know about.
Each School Needs A Professional Learning Committee Professional learning committees are needed. Further, within each school, administrators should develop a professional learning committee that would be responsible for holding workshops, seminars, inviting guest speakers, sharing ideas and developing best practices. Ensuring student success is important and teachers need ongoing training in new methodologies.
Comprehensive Lesson Planning Teachers need to learn about comprehensive lesson planning and what research says about best methodologies. Teachers need to be taught how to create, “effective lessons, assessments, and learning activities” (Newman, Ch. 10, p. 2). Teachers need to learn about the differentiated classroom. Research has shown, “that the single most important factor in the classroom is the teacher” (Newman, Ch. 10, p. 3).
Common Core and Constructivism Lessons should be based on Common Core Standards and constructivism. Lesson planning should be consistent and based on what research has identified as best practices to follow. Lessons should be based on the Common core Standards and should be built on the theory of constructivism. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism says that teachers, “facilitate discovery and learning” (Newman, Chap. 10, p, 6). Piaget defines learning, “as an active process of mental construction linked to various interactions with the environment which occur over time” (Chap. 10, p. 7).
Consistent Standard For All Further, there should be a consistent standard for all teachers to meet. Standards are important for as Newman (2013), reminds us, “they allow us to compare one thing to another and allows us to feel secure about our expectations” (Ch. 6, p. 2). The standards that a teacher needs should be included in the college courses and teachers should pass an exam that certifies them for the classroom. Therefore that standard should be a national exam that teachers are required to take to be certified.
Training Needed for ISTE Standard The ISTE Standards for teachers in the classroom, suggest that teachers “must become comfortable being co-learners with their students and colleagues around the world. This might be difficult for several teachers, as multiple intelligence theory might suggest that some teachers and students are more technical minded than others. Further, every day there is some new educational tool being invented so training is needed.
REFERENCE Newman, R. (2013), Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint