System Support for Leadership, Accountability And Continuous Improvement
EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to create a long-term, stable federal policy that gives states additional flexibility and encourages innovation, while at the same time holding us accountable for results
Secretary John B. King Jr. “One, by committing states to high standards for all students to make sure that all students graduate ready for college and careers, and two, ensuring strong state systems of accountability with meaningful flexibility, but clear civil rights guardrails. Three, maintaining the commitment that Title I resources [for disadvantaged students] will go to the highest-needs students and help the highest-needs students to be successful. And four, the commitment to preschool and the commitment to innovation, which have both been priorities for the administration from the start.”
ESSA Gives states, school districts, teachers and parents more flexibility in meeting the needs of their schools/students. Maintains federal oversight of state plans regarding the use of federal funds but restricts state actions and control.
Leadership Standards Policy 5800 Update is exclusive to principal standards Two year process NGA, CCSSO, various stakeholder groups including Benedum Foundation, business leaders, educators, higher education, state board members PSEL Standards
Positive Changes for Student Success Professionalize the language of the standards Address the changes in the role of school leaders Distributed Leadership Data use to drive change Balance roles of instructional leader and manager Strengthening relationships
Group Activity
WVAS Core Values Academic Performance –Students demonstrate the achievement standards for mathematics and English/language arts (ELA). Academic Improvement –Students demonstrate sufficient academic growth or improvement to achieve or maintain proficiency. Academic Persistence –Students demonstrate the ability to capitalize on opportunities to participate in instruction and learning activities and earn graduation credentials. Postsecondary Readiness –Students engage in advanced coursework and career credentialing opportunities in preparation for postsecondary success.
Elementary School Example
Middle School Example
High School Example
Group Activity
My school received a C…now what?
Multiple Measures Dashboard
A-F Dashboard Connected to ZoomWV Drill down into A-F Measures Relevant data to address root causes Role-level access
Resources WV System of Support –WVDE School Improvement Resources –Teaching and Learning TREE –RESA Collaborative –Becoming a Learning School/System –Turning High Poverty Schools into High Performing Schools –ASCD District Capacity Workshop – ents/A-F%20School%20Accountability%20Systemhttps://wvk12- ents/A-F%20School%20Accountability%20System
Fall Trainings RESA-Based Dates? Dig into the data following the assigning of grades Assist schools with identifying root causes Develop plans to address deficiencies
Thank you for everything you do and let us know how we can support your work.
Division of School Effectiveness (304) (304)