Ancient Rome
The Italian Peninsula Narrow boot-shaped peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea According to myth, Rome was founded by the twin brothers Romulus and Reemus At first, Rome consisted of 7 villages on 7 hills In 620 BCE = Roman villages were unified Created a Forum at the center of the city = became the seat of Roman government
The Roman Forum
The Roman Republic Rome constantly faced threats from its neighbors To protect the Republic, Rome either conquered its opponents or forced them to be allies with Rome 264 BCE = Rome ruled the entire Italian Peninsula
Social Groups Patricians = wealthy Roman nobles Most Romans were plebeians Landowners, merchants, farmers, etc.
Rome’s Government Rome’s government had 2 branches = legislative & executive Legislative Branch: Elected people to the Executive Branch Senate proposed laws, advised consuls, debated foreign policy & approved building contracts
Roman Laws Roman laws were written down on 12 bronze tablets Called the Twelve Tables & displayed in the Forum
Roman Religion Were influenced by the Greeks Borrowed Greek deities & gave them Roman names Jupiter - Head of the GodsMinerva - Goddess of WisdomMars - God of War
Roman Military Rome had a very strong army Every male citizen had to serve when needed Troops were organized into legions of 6,000 men = smaller, quicker phalanxes
Julius Caesar One of Rome’s greatest generals & leaders Caesar, Pompey, & Crassus ruled Rome as a triumvirate = 3 people with equal power
Julius Caesar Caesar conquered the Celts, fought Germanic tribes & invaded Britain Took over complete control of Rome & became dictator for life Granted Roman citizenship to people in areas outside of Italy Created a new calendar (Julian calendar)
Death of Julius Caesar Stabbed to death by a group of Senators - led by Brutus & Cassius Accused of being a tyrant trying to be king Plotting to be king was punishable by death without trial
The First Emperors Roman Republic was too weak Octavian = gave himself title Augustus = “majestic one” Became Rome’s first emperor Rebuilt Rome Had magnificent buildings built Ruled for 40 years
Roman Rule Emperors were also chief priests of the Roman religion 2 separate sets of laws --> 1 for citizens & 1 for non-citizens All laws stressed the state over the individual Gave more legal rights (like you are innocent until proven guilty) Emperors reduced the size of the army
The Pax Romana Pax Romana = Roman Peace Period of Peace that lasted about 200 years Only minor disturbances = selection of later emperors
Roman Civilization Pax Romana boosted trade & generated many achievements in arts (pottery, woven cloth, blown glass, jewelry)
Roman Civilization Wealthy class = owned large farms, ran factories, held public office Lived in luxurious homes with marble & mosaic floors, running water, and baths
Roman Civilization Most of Rome was still poor Bathed in public baths, lived in apartment buildings that could easily collapse or catch fire Didn’t rebel because they got free food & entertainment --> like chariot races and gladiator fights
Roman Public Baths
Chariot Races
Gladiator Fights
Roman Civilization Pantheon & Colosseum were built, as well as new roads
Roman Civilization Built aqueducts = artificial channels for carrying water Brought water to Rome from far away
Roman Education Latin = official language of Rome Basis of Romance languages Supplies the roots for over half of all English words
Division of Roman Empire Made the east & west separate Empires East = Byzantine Empire West = Roman Empire
End of the Western Empire Germanic tribes (Vandals, Franks, Goths, etc.) took over the Empire Overthrew the emperor Western Roman Empire ended in the late 400s Some Roman culture remained Germanic rulers accepted: Latin language, Roman laws, and Christian Church