Great War Storyboard Project
The Basics You need at minimum: o 3 boxes to show what happened before the war o 3 boxes to show what happened during the war o 3 boxes to show what happened after the war Each box must have: o One image that relates to your topic o 3 facts (COMPLETE SENTENCES) explaining your picture and cause/effect If you want a 3 (90), you must use at least one poem from today to illustrate your point If you want a 4 (100), you must use at least two poems from today to illustrate your point
What are the Grades? Historical significance of WWI o Show why WWI was important for U.S. history o Reference specific events/people/battles/court cases Cause and Effect o Show how events are related/how one action/event led to another Support a Point of View o Use 1-2 poems to show point of view (how someone saw the war/felt about it) o Incorporate poem(s) into at least two boxes Communicate Effectively o Use complete sentences o Check spelling and grammar o Images and text are neat and legible
Big 8 What is the assignment asking me to learn/do/get good at? o Identifying cause and effect, ID and support point of view, explain significance of WWI, and communicate in written and visual forms What final product do I have to produce? o Storyboard What sources do I have to use? o Interactive Lecture C-Notes and war poems How much time do I have? o One week When is it due? o Monday, 12/10 or Friday, 12/7 Do I have to meet with someone? o Yes. Ms. Hendricks or partners for peer edit Do I have to use a graphic organizer? o Yes. C-Notes Will my work be evaluated with a set of criteria? o Yes. Rubric