People & CapabilitySavings & Benefits Delivering procurement that improves public services for a prosperous, fair and more sustainable Scotland Efficiency & Collaboration Sustainability Access 2016/172017/182018/192019/2020 Workplan Baseline Document: 9 June 2016 Public Procurement in Scotland Workplan Analytical Framework? All publishing procurement strategies Measure success of SDP training PCIP delivered for Central Purchasing Bodies 40% of national spend under collaboration (research economic impact) 100% of in-scope spend captured by Hub prior to publication of annual report Publish National Learning & Skills strategy Piloting use of Professional Competency Framework Statutory annual report published by Scottish Ministers Strategic review of supply side procurement capablity Open contracting Total savings in annual report Increased SME access reported via Small Business Survey Supplier side public procurement tools All organisations on track for 100% compliance with EU electronic procurement directives Produce consistent contract & Supplier performance management model with sectors actively managing roll out PPOT cross-sector development career paths / secondment opportunities Access to learning & skills training shared where capacity exists Increase engagement and spend through supported businesses >£5m partial year Procurement Strategies published by 31/12/2016 Research on supply chain/sub contract impact/article 71 Sector CoEs publish collaborative savings target and report progress On track for e-invoicing target
Public Procurement in Scotland Workplan Milestone Ownership Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead SUSTAINABILITY >£5m partial year Procurement Strategies published by 31/12/2016 PRDG All publishing procurement strategies PRDG Statutory annual report published by Scottish Ministers PRDG Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead ACCESS Increased SME access reported via Small Business SurveyPRDG Supplier side public procurement toolse-Commerce Research on supply chain/sub contract impact/article 71Collaborative Leads Open contractinge-Commerce Strategic review of supply side procurement capablityPRDG On track for e-invoicing targete-Commerce Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead EFFICIENCY & COLLABORATION 40% of national spend under collaboration (research economic impact)Collaborative Leads PCIP delivered for Central Purchasing BodiesPCIP Project Board All organisations on track for 100% compliance with EU electronic procurement directives e-Commerce / PRDG
Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead SAVINGS & BENEFITS Sector CoEs publish collaborative savings target and report progressCollaborative Leads Produce consistent contract & Supplier performance management model with sectors actively managing roll out Best Practice 100% of in-scope spend captured by Hub prior to publication of annual report e-Commerce Total savings in annual reportPRDG Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead PEOPLE & CAPABILITY Publish National Learning & Skills strategyPPD Piloting use of Professional Competency FrameworkPPD PPOT cross-sector development career paths / secondment opportunitiesPPD Access to learning & skills training shared where capacity existsPPD Strategic ObjectiveMilestoneLead SUSTAINABILITY Analytical FrameworkTBC Increase engagement and spend through supported businessesTBC