Making Resolutions of Faith
Joshua provides for resolutions among future generations in Joshua 4 Joshua calls on the people to mark his passing with a resolution to serve Jehovah alone in Joshua 24 Samuel uses the occasion of anointing a King to lead the people in a renewal of service in 1 Samuel 12 II Chronicles 29 and 34 are two occasions where the Passover was used to lead the people in resolving to observe their covenant with zeal Ezra would lead the captives in making the same resolutions in Nehemiah 8-10 Biblical Occasions of Resolutions
Spend more time in prayer…by engaging in thanks Resolve to put an end to continued issues of sin…by rooting out patterns of behavior Determine to get serious about having a relationship with God Determine to take seriously the relationship I have Resolutions for Individuals
Have a more compelling attitude about evangelism among the community Continue to seriously pursue the Lord’s command to appoint elders and deacons Resolve to grow closer to the church family Make more time to reach out to the spiritually weak Resolutions for The Church